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Hey guys , i want to make a TUniLabel link able so when i click the label, it go to specified URL (or download if file is .pdf)


any advice would be appreciate. thanks



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...

Yes, I can, but if I want to have a label like this:  You can view our Terms Here1 and Your Profile Here2

Clicking "here1" must show form1,  and  clicking  "here2"  must show form2.

I hope I've clarified.



9 minutes ago, jahlxx said:

but if I want to have a label like this:  You can view our Terms Here1 and Your Profile Here2

Where are you generating this?

How will you distinguish between these links?


Label caption:


  UniLabel6.caption := 'Go To Google   ' + '<a href="www.google.com" >Google</a>';

  UniLabel6.caption := UniLabel6.caption + '  or Go To Yahoo  ' + '<a href="www.yahoo.com" >Yahoo</a>';



Id like, that links to be foirmx.show, instead of url links.

17 hours ago, jahlxx said:

  UniLabel6.caption := 'Go To Google   ' + '<a href="www.google.com" >Google</a>';

UniLabel6.caption := 'Go To Google   ' + '<a href="#" onclick="window.ajaxRequest('+ UniLabel6.JSName +', ''ahrefclick'', [''val=1''])">Google</a>';
procedure TMainForm.UniLabel6AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string;
  Params: TUniStrings);
  if EventName='ahrefclick' then



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