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How to add a picture upload function?


You can buy a file manager (file browser and uploader) on http://www.tinymce.com/index.php (but i think it needs PHP on server) or you can make your custom file browser (with UniGui):






There you can upload (TUniFileUpload) and/or browse your files to/on the server.



I have added this to my script/init for including TinyMCE (adds a button to file/image dialog for calling my file browser):

<script type="text/javascript">

  function myCustomFileBrowser(field_name, url, type, win) {

    //z-Order of tinyMCE popup dialog must be less than uniGui modal dialog: 
    document.getElementById('mceModalBlocker').style.zIndex = 7001;
    document.getElementById('mceModalBlocker').previousSibling.style.zIndex = 7002;

    //"save" fieldname for later update:
    TinyMceFileSrcFld = win.document.forms[0].elements[field_name];

    //Start my UniGui FileBrowser:
    ajaxRequest(MainForm.form, 'FileBrowser', [
      'URL=' + url,
      'Typ=' + type


     file_browser_callback : "myCustomFileBrowser",          




on MainForm i have this (on AjaxRequest start file browser form):

procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings);
  if EventName = 'FileBrowser' then begin
    frmFileBrowser.URL := Params.Values['URL'];
    frmFileBrowser.Typ := Params.Values['Typ'];

on closing the file browser form i do this:

procedure TfrmFileBrowser.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
 if ModalResult = mrOK then begin
   UniSession.AddJS('TinyMceFileSrcFld.value = ' + QuotedStr(FileURL) + ';');

In the future i plan to use Data URI scheme to include the image in the HTML itself.

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