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error : Connection and ConnectionName property values are both empty

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Hello all,


Please help.


I am using Anydac component (TAdConnection and TADquery)





TADConnection is put in MainModule


TADQuery and Tdatasource is put in MainForm.


TADQuery is set active to True at design time. (cause exception error in webmode)


the program works in VCL mode.




But it raise an exception error if the program is run in WebMode.




the problem is solved if TADQuery is set Active to False and set to true at runntime.


But I prefer TADQuery is active at design time.

How can I solve the problem ?





If you don't want to wait a bugfix: easy way to solve it - open your Query OnFormCreate, or OnFormShow)).


Yes, thanks.


actually it also occurs in desktop application.

to solve this in desktop application, I manually change the create order of the data module - and set it to be the first form that gets created by the application.


Auto-creat forms :

   Datamodule --> arrange the datamodule to be created first before mainform



If you don't want to wait a bugfix: easy way to solve it - open your Query OnFormCreate, or OnFormShow)).


 set the dataset connection property in  onbeforeopen event can solve the problem



procedure TMainForm.qryTable1BeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
  if TADQuery(DataSet).Connection = Nil then
    TADQuery(Dataset).Connection:= UniMainModule.ADConnection1;

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