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In project i use FastScript. Forms and algorithm are stored in DataBase. I want to use the same model with UniGUI, but have some problems.


For using UniComponents from script i need to describe all(or mostly) public and published properties and functions of UniGui types. Without source code it's very hard process.

Can you share source code with me? Not all, only interface part of "*.pas" files. You may cut all implementation and uses parts, private and  protected procedures and functions.

I can generate FastScriptRTTI component from it and share with you.


If you can't send me code, please, make FastScriptRTTI component by yourself and add it to your framework.


TestApp.zip - demo project of UniGUI and FastScript.

To edit record, program creating UniForm from "test.dfm" file and attach script to it. If you click on the form, you can see result of working script. I implemented support of UniForm.ShowMessage;


P.S. Supporting of FastScript is very important for my project. I am waiting for your answer.Thanks


Hello, I am very interested in this work and we could definitely help us. But from next week, as for now I'm following another urgent project. I have a project where they develop short forms and code are integrated on a database. So by joining forces we could solve all the problems we will encounter.

Thanks to you

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how to create a Report with Fastscript? for filter report with FastReport how?Thank you











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