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For my applications the user needs to create a account. When the account is created

he receives a mail with a unique generated code like : -194539324982423641254025935501407370742


Now the user has to login and when it's the first time he has to paste the code

into a edit field to test if it's the right code.


But...like the most forums i would like to have a url with this code and when the

user clicks the link in his mail the account must be set to active.


How can this be done and how/where to check if this code belong to

the right user


Regards Peter




For my applications the user needs to create a account. When the account is created

he receives a mail with a unique generated code like : -194539324982423641254025935501407370742


Now the user has to login and when it's the first time he has to paste the code

into a edit field to test if it's the right code.


But...like the most forums i would like to have a url with this code and when the

user clicks the link in his mail the account must be set to active.


How can this be done and how/where to check if this code belong to

the right user


Regards Peter




Hi Peter,
Below I show the procedures that I use in my project, where for example
I sent an email to activate your user account on the site.
1: I saved a key (TGUID) to identify the user token in the Users table in a field called Token.
2: We send the activation email account to the User, the body of the email I add the reference to the link as below:
To activate your account click on the link: '<a href="http://myapp.com/?et=AU&t=' + sToken +'">' +
'http://myapp.com/?et=AU&t=' + sToken + '</a>';
Where the parameter et = AU reports that the type of email is User Activation, the parameter t contains the Token(through sToken variable) of the User that was saved in the database.
When the User clicks on the link will load the application and in the OnShow(MainForm) event I do check if there are parameters to be validated:
TfmHome.UniFormShow procedure (Sender: TObject);
   if (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t'] = 'AU') then / /Checks if the parameter t (emailtype) exists and is for user activation(AU).
     //Validates Token (checks whether the content parameter t)
     if (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t'] <>'') then
       //Now with the GetTokenInfo function below, I check if the value of the parameter t is valid. The GetTokenInfo receives the token sent and validates the information in the database.
       if dmSessionModule.SystemObj.GetTokenInfo (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t']) = True then
           //Here I show the screen to the User confirm your user and password to activate the user.
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