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Using the (wonderful) UniGUI I can compile the same code into an exe and a dll just by changing one line in the project source.


So, I upload both to my virtual private server. Windows exe runs fine and connects to SQL Server on the VPS using this connection string:


Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=ISSYS_Live;Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;User Id=XXXXX; Password=YYYYYY;Integrated Security=SSPI;


I then install the DLL as ISAPI under IIS 7 and run under Firefox. The program works fine but the SQL connection fails.


I am missing something here. Is it:


- Something I have to configure in IIS 7

- Something in SQL Server

- Something in Windows firewall?





Hi Farshad,


There is nothing in the log files. THe screen message (which pops up after 15 seconds) says "Ajax Error" with the text "Server unavailable, please try later" and a large red cross.


Set AutoCoInitialize=True and hacked about with the connection string until this one worked using Windows Authentication


data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;


Now connected!


Thanks Farshad for your swift response.

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