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Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


Output your report as a PDF file then show it in a TUniURLFrame.


"goodeboy" wrote in message


> unigui in how to use the FastReport Report Control?


> not demo it?






  • 4 months later...

Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


Output your report as a PDF file then show it in a TUniURLFrame.


"goodeboy" <goodeboy@qq.com> wrote in message


> unigui in how to use the FastReport Report Control?


> not demo it?






Hi Farshad,


I have this code, from a modified Richard Wu's post version:


 rptfile := 'pres1';
 s := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath;
 s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]);
 frxPDFExport1.Report := FRXpres;
 frxPDFExport1.FileName := s + rptfile+'.pdf';
 if FRXpres.Export(frxPDFExport1) then
   UniURLFrame1.URL := s + rptfile+'.pdf';
   ShowMessage('Report in: '+s + rptfile+'.pdf');
 end else
   MessageDlg('Error generating the report',mtError,[mbOK],nil);


Why this PDF shows ok in the Frame on the exe, but in browser's ?

Should I manually set the Frame URL property with the same direction like this ? file:///d:\project\cache.... ??


Thanks in advanced.


J. Oriol M.


Correct usage:


frxPDFExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + rptfile+'.pdf';.
UniURLFrame1.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + rptfile+'.pdf';


Thank you very much, Farshad, I'm a bit embarrased by this stupid question, at last I understood the difference between LocalCachePath ad LocalCacheURL.


I changed what you said and my PDF report is showing ok..... UniGui Rocks !!!. I come from a few years of Delphi development and I feel like in heaven, :rolleyes:


Can I bother you with another one ?, please, It is possible to show the FastReport Preview window ? if not, how can I export my data to a Excel file ? This will be the last feature to seek in UNIGUI to start two medium size projects.


Any help will be appreciated.




J. Oriol M.

  • Administrators

Thank you very much, Farshad, I'm a bit embarrased by this stupid question, at last I understood the difference between LocalCachePath ad LocalCacheURL.


I changed what you said and my PDF report is showing ok..... UniGui Rocks !!!. I come from a few years of Delphi development and I feel like in heaven, :rolleyes:


Can I bother you with another one ?, please, It is possible to show the FastReport Preview window ? if not, how can I export my data to a Excel file ? This will be the last feature to seek in UNIGUI to start two medium size projects.


Preview window can't be shown on web side unless you implement your own preview Form in uniGUI.


You can use Fast reports export functions to export your report to excel and show it inside a UrlFrame

  • 1 month later...

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