bruno-pere Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 Hi! If anyone wants I have successfully connected via SOAP to MSRS to render any report. * Connection using SOAP and THttpRio component; * Using ReportService2010 and ReportExecution2005 webservices; * Basic authentication; * Get list of reports of any folder; * Pass parameters; * Render the report in any format (PDF, EXCEL, MHTML, HTML4.0, HTML3.2, TIFF and every format MSRS supports); * Send the stream (file) to the user of UniGUI. The only thing I didn't do yet is get list of parameters, what is not difficult, but in my current frame I pass the parameters I know the report needs. Bye! Bruno 2 Quote
stiaan Posted July 24, 2013 Posted July 24, 2013 Hi Bruno Can you share this please. I'm interested in this. Regards Stiaan Quote
Harry Rogers Posted July 24, 2013 Posted July 24, 2013 Sounds interesting, please share Many thanks Quote
fredycc Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 Hello Bruno. We wish you could share. regards Quote
rsanford Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 Hi Bruno, I'm also interested. A demo app would be great if possible. Thanks! Quote
bruno-pere Posted July 29, 2013 Author Posted July 29, 2013 Hi! Sorry for the delay. And I don't have time to make a sample and the procedure to Render the report is used for one of my reports only. If you want a generic procedure you should do changes like remove the two hardcoded parameters in the procedure. Test with a simple report first. 1) IMPORT CLASSES IN YOUR PROJECT (Delphi -> Menu Component -> Import WSDL) ReportExecution2005 (http://YOURSERVER/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl) ReportService2010 (http://YOURSERVER/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl) 2) DECLARE IN THE FORM YOU WILL CALL THE REPORT: procedure TYOURFORM.Rio1HTTPWebNode1BeforePost( const HTTPReqResp: THTTPReqResp; Data: Pointer); var user,pass: string; begin user := 'srv-test\administrador'; pass := 'yourpassword'; // the same account / password you use when using the browser to view the reports if not InternetSetOption(Data, INTERNET_OPTION_USERNAME, PChar(user), Length(user)) then ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); if not InternetSetOption(Data, INTERNET_OPTION_PASSWORD, PChar(pass), Length (pass)) then ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; // PARAMETERS DataEnt and CodComprador YOU SHOULD CHANGE FOR YOUR REPORT PARAMETER function TYOURFORM.RenderReport1(stm: TStream; const ExtFormat: string; DataEnt: TDateTime; CodComprador: integer):boolean; const ServiceURL = 'http://YOURSERVER/reportserver/ReportService2010.asmx'; // change for YOUR SERVER ExecURL = 'http://YOURSERVER/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx'; var //rs: ReportService2010.ReportingService2010Soap; rsExec: ReportExecution2005.ReportExecutionServiceSoap; setParams: ReportExecution2005.SetExecutionParameters; setParamValues: ReportExecution2005.ArrayOfParameterValue; LRParams: ReportExecution2005.LoadReport; LoadParamsResponse: ReportExecution2005.LoadReportResponse; renderParams: ReportExecution2005.Render; renderResponse: ReportExecution2005.RenderResponse; setParamsResponse: ReportExecution2005.SetExecutionParametersResponse; execInfo: ReportExecution2005.ExecutionInfo; execHeader, renderHeader: ReportExecution2005.ExecutionHeader; I: integer; //args: array [0..4] of string; Rio1: THttpRio; begin result := false; LoadParamsResponse := nil; setParamsResponse := nil; Rio1 := THttpRIo.Create(nil); Rio1.HTTPWebNode.OnBeforePost := Rio1HTTPWebNode1BeforePost; Rio1.HTTPWebNode.UserName := 'extrafruti\administrador'; Rio1.HTTPWebNode.Password := 'yourpassword'; // the same account / password you use when using the browser to view the reports {Rio2.HTTPWebNode.UserName := 'srv-teste\administrador'; Rio2.HTTPWebNode.Password := '*****';} //rs := ReportService2010.GetReportingService2010Soap(False, ServiceURL, Rio2); rsExec := ReportExecution2005.GetReportExecutionServiceSoap(False, ExecURL, Rio1); execInfo := ReportExecution2005.ExecutionInfo.Create; execHeader := ReportExecution2005.ExecutionHeader.Create; LRParams := ReportExecution2005.LoadReport.Create; setParams := ReportExecution2005.SetExecutionParameters.Create; renderHeader := ReportExecution2005.ExecutionHeader.Create; renderResponse := ReportExecution2005.RenderResponse.Create; renderParams := ReportExecution2005.Render.Create; try try setlength(setParamValues,0); // Load the selected report. LRParams.Report := '/teste2'; // the report name in the root folder in this case LoadParamsResponse := rsExec.LoadReport(LRParams); // Send ExecutionHeader execHeader.ExecutionID := LoadParamsResponse.executionInfo.ExecutionID; Rio1.SOAPHeaders.Send(execHeader); // SET LENGTH EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS OF THE REPORT // AND PASS IN THE ARRAY LIKE I DID SetLength(setParamValues, 2); // parâmetro 1 (FIRST PARAMETER) setParamValues[0] := ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue.Create; setParamValues[0].Name_ := 'DATA_ENT'; setParamValues[0].Value := FormatDateTime('dd/MM/yyyy',DataEnt); // parâmetro 2 (SECOND PARAMETER) setParamValues[1] := ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue.Create; setParamValues[1].Name_ := 'COD_COMPRADOR'; setParamValues[1].Value := IntToStr(CodComprador); // change to your language setParams.ParameterLanguage := 'pt-BR'; setParams.parameters := setParamValues; setParamsResponse := rsExec.SetExecutionParameters(setParams); renderParams.Format := ExtFormat; // Send RenderHeader renderHeader.ExecutionID := LoadParamsResponse.executionInfo.ExecutionID; Rio1.SOAPHeaders.Send(renderHeader); renderResponse := rsExec.Render(renderParams); stm.Write(renderResponse.Result[0], Length(renderResponse.Result)); result := true; except on E: Exception do begin MessageDlg( 'Error creating report: ' + E.Message + #13#10 + 'Please contact.........', mtError, []); end; end; finally for I := Low(setParamValues) to High(setParamValues) do if setParamValues[I]<>nil then setParamValues[I].Free; if Assigned(setParamsResponse) then setParamsResponse.Free; if Assigned(renderResponse) then renderResponse.Free; if Assigned(renderParams) then renderParams.Free; if Assigned(execHeader) then execHeader.Free; if Assigned(execInfo) then execInfo.Free; if Assigned(LRParams) then LRParams.Free; Rio1 := nil; //RS := nil; RSExec := nil; // setParams.Free; end; end; 3) CALL LIKE THIS fname := 'c:\test.html'; // YOUR FILE NAME must be the same extesion you will pass stm := TMemoryStream.Create; try if RenderReport1(stm,'HTML4.0',UniDateEnt.DateTime,StrToInt(cp)) then // two parameters of my report UniSession.SendStream(stm,ExtractFileName(fname)); // you can mail the report too (SEE MY OTHER EXAMPLE IN UNIGUI FORUM) finally stm.Free; end; My uses: uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIFrame, uniEdit, uniBasicGrid, uniDBGrid, uniSplitter, uniPanel, uniTrackBar, uniButton, uniBitBtn, uniMultiItem, uniComboBox, uniLabel, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGroupBox, uniDateTimePicker, Data.DB, Data.Win.ADODB, uniDBComboBox, uniDBLookupComboBox, DateUtils, Datasnap.DBClient, SOAPHTTPTrans, WinINet, Soap.InvokeRegistry, Soap.Rio, Soap.SOAPHTTPClient, uniScreenMask, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, IdMessage; Please, share if you have success. It's working perfectly here. Bye! Bruno Quote
bruno-pere Posted July 30, 2013 Author Posted July 30, 2013 Sample to get report parameters if needed: And use FindItems to get a list of reports: I didn't use in this project but works because I have used it in another project. As said, my project runs only one report in that function I shared and I pass the report name and parameters hard coded. Bye! Bruno Quote
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