knopix Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 helpme,Farshad Mohajeri. how to export database to excel and how to import file excel to database? Quote
rencarnacion Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 You can use Flexcel or XLSreadWrite. You can get Flexcel in and XLSReadWrite in Both of them you can export data from a DataSet or read an Excel files Ronny Encarnacion Quote
knopix Posted March 5, 2013 Author Posted March 5, 2013 thanks Ronny Encarnacion, there are examples of projects? Regards Quote
rencarnacion Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 rocedure TfrmImportarIncidencias.ProcesarHojaExcel(Res: integer); var Vmes: integer; I: integer; C: integer; R: integer; VColumna01: integer; VColumna02: integer; begin case Res of mrYes: begin try UniMainModule.dbConecta.BeginTrans; UniMainModule.QryRelacionMeses.Open; UniMainModule.QryIncidenciasMensuales.Open; UniMainModule.QryIncidenciasMensualesTemporal.Open; with UniMainModule, QryGeneral, SQL do begin Close; Text := ' DELETE IncidenciasMensualesTemporal'; ExecSQL; end; if CboxMeses.ItemIndex >= 0 then Vmes := CboxMeses.ItemIndex + 1 else Vmes := 1; for I := Vmes to 12 do begin for R := 2 to XLSRead.MaxRow do begin if UniMainModule.QryRelacionMeses.Locate('mes', Vmes, []) then begin VColumna01 := UniMainModule.QryRelacionMeses.FieldByName( 'Columna01').Value; VColumna02 := UniMainModule.QryRelacionMeses.FieldByName( 'Columna02').Value; with UniMainModule.QryIncidenciasMensualesTemporal do begin Insert; FieldByName('Agno').Value := CboxAnos.Text; FieldByName('IDEquipo').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 1]; FieldByName('IDProducto').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 2]; FieldByName('IdRegion').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 4]; FieldByName('Mes').Value := I; FieldByName('PorcentajeAnual').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 5]; FieldByName('UnidadesAnual').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 6]; FieldByName('PrecioFarmacia').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 7]; FieldByName('IncidenciaUnidadEquipo').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 8]; FieldByName('ValorIncidenciaEquipo').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, 9]; FieldByName('IncidenciaMensualEquipo').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, VColumna01]; FieldByName('PorcentajeRegionEquipo').Value := XLSRead.CellValue[R, VColumna02]; Post; end; end; end; end; UniMainModule.dbConecta.CommitTrans; if VerificaIncidencia then begin ShowMessage('Proceso Compleado con Exito'); UniMainModule.qryBorrarIncidenciasMensuales.ExecSQL; UniMainModule.QryInsertaIncidencias.ExecSQL; end; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Operacion no pudo ser ejecutada por el Siguiente Mensaje :' + E.Message); UniMainModule.dbConecta.RollbackTrans; end; end; end; end; end; I'm Using Flexcel to Import Data from Excel Sheet to Database, If You need more help About It, Let me Know Ronny Encarnacion Quote
knopix Posted March 6, 2013 Author Posted March 6, 2013 what components you use? there are examples of sample project? Regards Quote
knopix Posted March 6, 2013 Author Posted March 6, 2013 I've downloaded the component XLSReadWriteII 5, XLSReadWriteII 4, XLSSpreadSheet Delphi XE2, which software you use? I've installed xlsrwii5_dxe2 after install an additional component,XLSDbRead51XLSReadWriteII51, XLSExportHTML51 in ToolPallet Quote
rencarnacion Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 I'm using Flexcel component from TMSsoftware, Quote
knopix Posted March 6, 2013 Author Posted March 6, 2013 Do you have a component tms? may I ask if there are software of, purchase or free? Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted March 6, 2013 Administrators Posted March 6, 2013 Do you have a component tms? may I ask if there are software of, purchase or free? It is not free: Quote
knopix Posted March 6, 2013 Author Posted March 6, 2013 thank you for the information Farshad Mohajeri what no other alternative but to use tms component for import and export excel file? Quote
heromo80 Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 In XE2 you must activate packages Microsoft Office 2000 samples... and you will can view this page for most info.. Quote
bruno-pere Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 Hi! I use ADO (dbGO) to read from excel files and *I think it is possible* to write too. But I don't know and didn't test. THIS CODE DOES NOT NEED EXCEL INSTALLED IN THE COMPUTER. 1) Put a TADOConnection; 2) Use the connection string like my ini file; 3) Inside the application, use format command to pass the the file name to connection string: arq is the full path file name. ADOConn.ConnectionString := Format(ConnStr,[arq]); ADOConn.Open; // CLOSE THE FILE FIRST 4) Read like this: ADOQryEx.Close; ADOQryEx.SQL.Text := 'select * from [DRE$C8:R186]'; ADOQryEx.Open; value := ADOQryEx.FieldByName('F1').AsFloat; And so on. The connection string is something like: From my ini file. ' ************** SOURCE **************' OLEDB Connection (Microsoft Activex Data Objects)' %s will be changed by the file name chosen by the user inside the applicationExcelConnString=Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=%s;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;IMEX=1"' command sampleSourceQueryCC=select * from [Receita$C3:C3] It is working fine here to read. Maybe it is less work to buy a component instead if the sheet is too complex. Bye! Bruno Quote
knopix Posted March 7, 2013 Author Posted March 7, 2013 thank you very much agmoro7622for you helping me Regards Quote
knopix Posted March 7, 2013 Author Posted March 7, 2013 thank you very much Bruno,there are examples of projects that I'm no sample projects? Regards Quote
knopix Posted March 7, 2013 Author Posted March 7, 2013 hi agmoro7622What applications can be used with component unigu webbase ExcelApplication1?export database to excel and import excel file to database.thanks Quote
knopix Posted March 14, 2013 Author Posted March 14, 2013 Hi I still can not import data and export data to excel anyone can help to provide a sample project in unigui? Regards Quote
alfhabetagama Posted March 19, 2013 Posted March 19, 2013 Hi I still can not import data and export data to excel anyone can help to provide a sample project in unigui? Regards I have the same problem, export to excel. Could anyone help me? Quote
estrify Posted March 25, 2013 Posted March 25, 2013 Accidentally, I found this page and I remembered this post. I have not tested or tried to do anything with it, but if anyone is interested, it could be a good starting point to investigate... Regards, Quote
mmurgas Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 could you give an example of the latter, I know delphi, but very no java thanks ---- 1 Quote
knopix Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 how to import excel file into mysql database in a table? whether taken per sheet or all sheets? when in the excel file there are 3 sheets all existing data files as well as whether it can be imported into mysql table? help me Regards Quote
bruno-pere Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 knopix, my example in this thread is what you want... put two adoconnections in the form, one to your MySQL database and the other to your excel file (see my comment to know the connection string). put two adoqueries in the form, one to your MySQL table linked to your MySQL adoconnection and the other linked to your Excel Adoconnection. open both connections. open boths queries. loop excel query while inserting in mysql query. Sure there are other ways, but you can start doing this. bye! Bruno Quote
adragan Posted April 28, 2013 Posted April 28, 2013 Export to Excel is a big problem. My experience with it is quite bad. 3 users calling in the same time some report in Excel crush down a quad processor server. If they don't limit the no or records returned you can wait for 30 min and nothing happenes webapp goes in session timeout, not to mention sharing viloation and other errors. The solution , if I can call it like that, is to generate *,csv files and send them to the client. They get 100 times faster generated and Excel knows how to play with them. Simple, clear and fast ! Who wants more can play locally with colors, lines sorting and such. Here is a piece of code : procedure TUniMainModule.ExportExcel(ADataSet:TDataSet); var ts:TStringList; sir:string; i,j:integer; FileName:string; csv:string; begin if ADataSet.Active then begin ts:=TStringList.Create; try with ADataSet do begin DisableControls; First; j:=Fields.Count; while not EOF do begin sir:=''; for i:= 0 to j - 1 do sir:=sir + Fields.AsString+','; ts.Add(sir); Next; end; EnableControls; end; FileName := 'F' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss', Now()) + '.csv'; // Create a unique name for report. ts.SaveToFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + FileName); finally ts.Free; end; csv:=UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + FileName; UniMainModule.SendFile(csv); end; end; That's all ! Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted April 28, 2013 Administrators Posted April 28, 2013 Export to Excel is a big problem. My experience with it is quite bad. 3 users calling in the same time some report in Excel crush down a quad processor server. If they don't limit the no or records returned you can wait for 30 min and nothing happenes webapp goes in session timeout, not to mention sharing viloation and other errors. Your export component should not use MS Excel itself to export. It must use native code to do the task such as TMS Flexcel. Quote
AlbertoVesx Posted April 29, 2013 Posted April 29, 2013 This is how I export a dataset to excel using flexcel from tmssoftware. This example has the basic. var FileName: string; XLS: TExcelFile; Format: Tflxformat; F1: integer; Row: integer; begin if not DataSet.IsEmpty then begin XLS := TXlsFile.Create(True); try XLS.NewFile; format := XLS.getDefaultFormat; format.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman'; format.Font.Color := clwhite; format.FillPattern.Pattern := TFlxPatternStyle.Solid; format.FillPattern.FgColor := $00AE631E; F1 := archivoxls.AddFormat(formato); //Apply f1 format to the first row and first two columns XLS.SetCellFormat(1,1,f1); XLS.SetCellFormat(1,2,f1); // set name of the fields XLS.SetCellValue(1, 1, 'NAME FIELD ONE'); XLS.SetCellValue(1, 2, 'NAME FIELD TWO'); row := 2; DataSet.First; while NOT DataSet.Eof do begin XLS.SetCellValue(row, 1, DateToStr(DataSet['FIELDONE'])); //TYPE DATE XLS.SetCellValue(row, 2, DataSet['FIELDTWO']); //TYPE STRING Inc(row); DataSet.Next; end; FileName := FormatDateTime('YYMMDD_hhmmnnss',now)+username+'.xls'; XLS.Save(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + filename); UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + filename); finally FreeAndNil(XLS); end; end; Quote
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