johnp Posted February 19, 2013 Posted February 19, 2013 I have use the below code to locate a record in a table. Locally this works great, However over a browser on my LAN it is quite slow, too slow. I have my tables indexed with less than 10,000 records. var txt, sfind :string;len:integer;begin if uniEdit1.Text='' then exit; //goto nearest match with Datamodule.MYDirectoryTable do begin UniDBGrid1.Visible := true; UniDBText1.Visible := true; SetKey; FieldByName('Company').AsString := UPPERCASE(uniEdit1.Text); //Gotokey; //does not work GotoNearest; end; John P. Quote
patmap Posted February 19, 2013 Posted February 19, 2013 Hi, There is No difference between VCL mode and WebMode in server side table locating ! Then you check your code for table events (AfterScroll, BeforeScroll or ... ) or attach a sample project code (if possible with Access database or clientdataset). This is better use [ try Table.DisableControl ] when you must be insert or locate table then [ finally Table.EnableControl ]. Regards Quote
johnp Posted February 21, 2013 Author Posted February 21, 2013 << There is No difference between VCL mode and WebMode in server side table locating ! In my case there is a huge difference. In VLC mode the find is instant. When I create a stand alone server of the very same project and go into server mode the performance degrades. In server mode I can actually see the records in my grid I have for that table sorting, and it seems to jump around and not in a perfect A-Z order. It seems like the sorting of the table is rebuiding every time, or not tagging on the index as it should, which I do not understand the connection between the browser and database server. I thought it might be my LAN or Antivirus software, however, I am running other client server applications using DBISAM databases without any problem whatsover. The only code I have is what I have above. I did disable and enable controls without any effect. Any more ideas or comments? John P. Quote
adragan Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 From my DBase days I remember that, to change the order a table is presented you have to : 1. Close the data aware components. 2. Close the table. ( not mandatory but closes the application db buffers) 3. Set the new index active 4. Open table and force "First" on the table. ( Mandatory so that the db buffers reorganise ) 5. Activate the grid 6. Search on that key whatever you want. Quote
mierlp Posted February 21, 2013 Posted February 21, 2013 Hi, Wich database are you using and why not using a query component (or a filter option), both depending on the type of databaseThe example below is based on a query component and the use of MySQL Normaly i do the following : put a combobox, edit component and a button on the form, the combobx because the user may chooseon wich 'field' he may search...FirstName, LastName, Address etc in the editbox he enters the search info the button to cancel the search and show all records The code below contains some Dutch (because i'm dutch)text but like messages The code for the Edit.KeyDown procedure TFormProdukt.UniEdit_SearchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var SQLstring : string;begin if (key=vk_return) then begin // naam(0) if UniComboBox_SearchItem.ItemIndex=0 then begin SQLstring:='Select * from City Where Name LIKE ''' + '%' +UniEdit_Search.Text + '%'' Order By Name'; end; // Start filter dmMain.Produkt.SQL.Clear; dmMain.Produkt.SQL.Add(SQLstring); dmMain.Produkt.Open; if dmMain.Produkt.RecordCount=0 then begin ShowMessage('<br/>Er zijn GEEN gegevens gevonden welke' + '<br/><br/>' + 'voldoen aan het opgegeven zoek criteria.'+ '<br/>'); SearchFilterCancel; end; if dmMain.Produkt.RecordCount>0 then begin UniStatusBar.Panels[1].Text:='Filter = ACTIEF'; UniStatusBar.Panels[2].Text:='Aantal = '+intToStr(dmMain.Produkt.RecordCount); end; end; if (key=VK_Up) then begin dmMain.Produkt.Prior; end; if (key=VK_Down) then begin dmMain.Produkt.Next; end;end; The code for showing all records procedure TFormProdukt.SearchFilterCancel;begin // Tekst van het filter aanpassen UniStatusBar.Panels[1].Text:='Filter = UIT'; UniStatusBar.Panels[2].Text:=''; dmMain.Produkt.SQL.Clear; dmMain.Produkt.SQL.Add('Select * from City Order By Name' ); dmMain.Produkt.Open; if UniEdit_Search.Focused then UniEdit_Search.Clear else UniEdit_Search.Text:='Zoeken naar...'; UniComboBox_searchItem.itemIndex:=0;end; The same code for using a Filter option based on DBISAM. This code was used in a Win32 applications so the components you see a based on Raize. You can use the code also based on uniGui and the only difference is the user of table.filter procedure TFormTask.RzButtonEdit_searchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);var SQLstring : string;begin if (key=vk_return) then begin // Subject if RzComboBox_item.ItemIndex=0 then begin dmTables.Task.Filter:='LOWER(Subject) like LOWER('+QuotedStr('%'+RzButtonEdit_Search.Text+'%') +')'; end; // Subject(1) if RzComboBox_item.ItemIndex=1 then begin dmTables.Task.Filter:='LOWER(Description) like LOWER('+QuotedStr('%'+RzButtonEdit_Search.Text+'%') +')'; end; dmTables.Task.Filtered:=true; if dmTables.Task.RecordCount=0 then begin Application.MessageBox('Er zijn geen gegevens gevonden welke'+#10+'voldoen aan het opgegeven zoek criteria !', 'Informatie', MB_OK+MB_ICONASTERISK+MB_DEFBUTTON1+MB_APPLMODAL); FilterOpheffen; end; if dmTables.Task.RecordCount>0 then begin cFilter:='Aangepast'; FilterAAN; RzStatusPanel_Aantal.Caption:='Aantal = '+intToStr(dmTables.Task.RecordCount); end; end; if (key=VK_Up) then begin dmTables.Task.Prior; end; if (key=VK_Down) then begin dmTables.Task.Next; end;end; Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted February 21, 2013 Administrators Posted February 21, 2013 I have use the below code to locate a record in a table. Locally this works great, However over a browser on my LAN it is quite slow, too slow. I have my tables indexed with less than 10,000 records. var txt, sfind :string; len:integer; begin if uniEdit1.Text='' then exit; //goto nearest match with Datamodule.MYDirectoryTable do begin UniDBGrid1.Visible := true; UniDBText1.Visible := true; SetKey; FieldByName('Company').AsString := UPPERCASE(uniEdit1.Text); //Gotokey; //does not work GotoNearest; end; John P. Why don't you trace your app using Break Points and stepping through the lines and find out the exact place your code slows down. Quote
johnp Posted February 22, 2013 Author Posted February 22, 2013 The problem seems to be in the uniGUI grid. I removed the grid from my form and it is now very fast. I am thinking because I customized the column order that this is slowing it down. I am away for a day or two to try a grid in a natural field order or to try other property settings to see if that makes a difference. I could not see any other property settings that would seem to make a difference. Its seems the grid on the form is the problem for some reason, which I do not have any other events taking place. And thanks to those with the tips above, which I have used simular in the past in a VCL and database environment. (I come from the days when there was dBASE III as a new release) In this case I would like to use the grid to compilement the find as an incremental search on a character field, and build on that. So I am wondering what would be the best way for the browser or Internet environment. John P. (Canada) Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted February 22, 2013 Administrators Posted February 22, 2013 Grid becomes slow if you load lots of rows and paging is off. You may send a complete test case. Quote
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