AlbertoVesx Posted February 13, 2013 Posted February 13, 2013 Hi Jpeg images are one of the most used for database application. However vcl and unigui dont have native suport for this format (I dont know why). Is is posible tha unidbimage could handle jpg images? Best regards Quote
belo Posted February 13, 2013 Posted February 13, 2013 My solution ... Replaces the TUniDBIMage by TUniImage and use the code below: Uses JPEG, ExtDlgs; // To read the image procedure TFrmCadCliente.LoadImageFromField(Image: TUniImage; ImageField: TBlobField); var MemStrm: TMemoryStream; Jpg: TJPEGImage; begin if ImageField.IsNull then begin Image.Picture.Assign(nil); Exit; end; // if Jpg := TJPEGImage.create; try MemStrm := TMemoryStream.create; try ImageField.SaveToStream(MemStrm); MemStrm.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); with Jpg do begin PixelFormat := jf24Bit; Scale := jsFullSize; Grayscale := False; Performance := jpBestQuality; ProgressiveDisplay := True; ProgressiveEncoding := True; LoadFromStream(MemStrm); end; // with Image.Picture.Assign(Jpg) finally; end; // try finally; end; // try end; // DS = TDataSource procedure TFrmCadCliente.DSDataChange(Sender: TObject; Field: TField); begin inherited; if DS.DataSet.State in [dsBrowse] then LoadImageFromField(FOTO, DM.cdsCLIENTEFOTO); end; // Insert Image procedure TFrmCadPrestador.btnFOTOClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; IsImage := False; UniFileUpload1.Execute; end; // Upload Image procedure TFrmCadPrestador.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var DestName: string; DestFolder: string; begin inherited; if IsImage then begin FOTO.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); // FOTO = TUniImage DM.cdsCLIENTEFOTO.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); end else begin DestFolder := SM.StartPath + 'UploadFolder\'; DestName := DestFolder + ExtractFileName(UniFileUpload1.FileName); CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); FOTO.Picture.LoadFromFile(DestFolder + UniFileUpload1.FileName); if DS.DataSet.State in [dsBrowse] then begin DS.DataSet.Edit; DM.cdsCLIENTEFOTO.LoadFromFile(DestFolder + UniFileUpload1.FileName); end; end; end; // Clear Image procedure TFrmCadCliente.FOTODblClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if DS.State = dsinactive then begin ShowMessage('Abra um registro antes de alterar os dados!'); Exit; end; if DM.cdsCLIENTEFOTO.IsNull then begin ShowMessage('Não há Foto nesse Cadastro!'); Exit; end; if DS.State in [dsInsert, dsEdit] then // DS.DataSet.Edit; // [dsBrowse] DM.cdsCLIENTEFONTO.Clear; LOGO.Picture := nil; end; Be happy! Quote
AlbertoVesx Posted February 13, 2013 Author Posted February 13, 2013 Thank you. Your code is very useful. But again all this code would be easier with support for jpeg in unidbimage Quote
belo Posted February 13, 2013 Posted February 13, 2013 Thank you. Your code is very useful. But again all this code would be easier with support for jpeg in unidbimage I agree! There are trivial things that still need to deploy or improve the UniGUI. Let's wait. Farshad been doing a great job! Quote
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