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Is there a way to force a TUniMemo to display (in web mode, of course) the horizontal scrollbar instead of automatically add a new line?




New Form. Add a TUniMemo (width <100, ScrollBars BOTH, WordWrap True or False).



void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  UniMemo1->Lines->Add( u"foobar foobar foobar");
  UniMemo1->Lines->Add( u"foobar foobar foobar");
  UniMemo1->Lines->Add( u"foobar foobar foobar");
  UniMemo1->Lines->Add( u"foobar foobar foobar");


When you run the application you'll see that in web mode it only shows the vertical scrollbar and the text is automatically wrapped.



Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32bit (also tested on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)

RAD Studio XE2 (c++ builder)

UniGUI 0.90, 0.91

Browser Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2, Internet Explorer 8.0.6, Waterfox 18

Also tested browser: Iceweasel 10.0 (Debian 6, KDE)

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