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Including Javascript, Referencing objects...

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Message from: "brad.firlie@gmail.com"


I am working with a library (Raphael SVG) to create a map for use as a

user selection aid. I would love to use unigui as the main

application engine. I invision a panel with my SVG based interface

that can communicate with the rest of my unigui app (both on the

client and server side). This brings up some questions.


1) How can I include additional javascript files to be included with

the unigui generated html code?

2) How do I reference unigui objects (TUniEdit, TUniLabel, etc) in

client side javascript?

3) How do I make an ajax call in javascript (like a button push, or a

resize, or a similar)?

4) Is there a way to have client side methods associated with a unigui

button push?


Alternatively, an option is to create a unigui based control to wrap

the Raphael javascript library in. That would be pretty cool. Will

there be a component creation guide or example at some point in the



Thanks for your help!




Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"



>I am working with a library (Raphael SVG) to create a map for use as a

> user selection aid. I would love to use unigui as the main

> application engine. I invision a panel with my SVG based interface

> that can communicate with the rest of my unigui app (both on the

> client and server side). This brings up some questions.


> 1) How can I include additional javascript files to be included with

> the unigui generated html code?


Currently you can't. However, you can play with ExtPascal.pas and add some

custom HTML and JS by modifying "TExtThread.AfterHandleRequest"


> 2) How do I reference unigui objects (TUniEdit, TUniLabel, etc) in

> client side javascript?

> 3) How do I make an ajax call in javascript (like a button push, or a

> resize, or a similar)?

> 4) Is there a way to have client side methods associated with a unigui

> button push?


> Alternatively, an option is to create a unigui based control to wrap

> the Raphael javascript library in. That would be pretty cool.


All above questions are related to Client Side coding capabilities which

currently do not exist in unigui. Actually client side scripting is not our

main concern. It doesn't fit well in unigui paradigm. UniGUI plans to

provide a seamless web abstraction layer for GUI, so instead of focusing on

html, JS and CSS, developers can spend their valuable resources on develoing

business logic.


That said, a good abstraction layer should provide means to allow fine

tuning and customization of generated code. I think with version 0.90.0 we

will have a very basic form of client side scripting in unigui which will

allow adding custom JavaScript to events, calling Ext JS methods, referring

to JS Objects and etc. So version 0.90.0 will certainly contain some client

side scripting capabilities which will improve till version 1.0.0.


>Will there be a component creation guide or example at some point in the

> future?


Yes, certainly. Once I'm done with finalizing the library core I can publish

a guide to create new controls. Target version is 0.85.0.







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