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delphi xe2

After update to 0.91 I got the following exception after call uniform.showmodal.


Config Option: O85->maximizable:false<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.

The demos or new projects do not show me this. Do you have any idea about this?


EDIT: Well, after searching for a solution I found that the form that I try to show has a dbgrid with columns asociated with fields. Only If I remove all the columns the problem disappears. Its not a problem of the datasource beacause if I clear datasource property the problem remains. Very extrange.





procedure TExtThread.JSCode(JS : string; JSClassName : string = ''; JSName : string = ''; Owner : string = '');
  I, J : integer;
  if (* added *)(JS<>'')(* added *) and (JS[length(JS)] = ';') then begin // Command
    I := pos('.', JS);
    J := pos(IdentDelim, JS);
    if (pos('Singleton', JSClassName) = 0) and (J > 0) and (J < I) and (pos(DeclareJS, JS) = 0) and not ExistsReference(copy(JS, J-1, I-J+1)) then
      raise Exception.Create('Public property or Method: ''' + JSClassName + '.' + copy(JS, I+1, FirstDelimiter('=(', JS, I)-I-1) + ''' requires explicit ''var'' declaration.');
    I := length(Response) + 1
  else  // set attribute
    if JSName = '' then
      raise Exception.Create('Missing '';'' in command: ' + JS)
    else begin
      I := pos('/*' + JSName + '*/', Response);
      if I = 0 then
        raise Exception.Create('Config Option: ' (* added *)+JSName+'->'(* added *)+ JS + '<br/>is refering a previous request,' +
          '<br/>it''s not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.');
      if not(Response[I-1] in ['{', '[', '(', ';']) then JS := ',' + JS;
  insert(JS, Response, I);
  if (pos('O' + IdentDelim, JS) <> 0) and (pos('O' + IdentDelim, JSName) <> 0) then begin
    if Owner <> '' then JSName := Owner;
    RelocateVar(JS, JSName, I+length(JS));



Hi Farshad, If download build 981 , may can I make   test with the  with out  buying sencha license.

we areusing now Intraweb for our web  applications , And we are interesting in to make the change to the final Release of UniGui.

  • Administrators

Hi Farshad, If download build 981 , may can I make   test with the  with out  buying sencha license.

we areusing now Intraweb for our web  applications , And we are interesting in to make the change to the final Release of UniGui.



You can evaluate uniGUI without an Ext JS license as long as you don't deploy your project for any sort of "use" either internal or external.

  • Upvote 1

Hi to all

I am interested in, the near future, use unigui for commercial purposes. Apart from the known developer license of Ext JS 4.x at a cost of $ 329, assuming that I install my applications unigui on 10 public web-server , How many licenses should I buy?


  • Administrators

Hi to all

I am interested in, the near future, use unigui for commercial purposes. Apart from the known developer license of Ext JS 4.x at a cost of $ 329, assuming that I install my applications unigui on 10 public web-server , How many licenses should I buy?



uniGUI and Ext JS has same licensing model as Delphi itself. You must purchase a license for each developer in your company. Deployment is royalty free.





Is the uniGUI license will includes a Ext JS  license in the future ?


Whether to purchase a license Ext JS or wait to purchase a uniGUI license that includes Ext JS ?




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