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into the prior release (Extjs3.*) into the ExtEvents properties there was the OnSelect event; Now, using the code below, I can only read the column and row values.


Now how can i set the selection on a specific cell as in the old OnSelect event?




procedure TForm1.UniDbGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent;
 EventName: string; Params: TStrings);
 var colonna, dimensione : Integer;

 if EventName = 'select' then
    UniEdit1.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[0];
    UniEdit2.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[1];
    UniEdit3.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[2];
    UniEdit4.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[3];
    UniEdit5.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[4];
    UniEdit6.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[5];
    UniEdit7.Text  := Params.ValueFromIndex[6];




I am encountering same problem, as I would like to skip hidden columns when user use arrow keys to navigate in UniDBGrid. If anyone know how to skip in client side will be even better.

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