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ISAPI modülünü kullanarak program yazmak istiyorum

ama hangi veritabanı ile hangi componenti kullanmam lazım.

mesela sqlite kullanıyorum ama çok kullanıcılı değil.

explorerda çalıştırdığım zaman tek kişi kullanabiliyor ama

ikinci bir kişi başka bir explorerdan çalıştırdığında

aynı veritabanına bağlanamıyor.


I want to write programs using the ISAPI module (only isapi module. i use webbrowser. no exe.)

I need to use the which database and which component.




I use Mysql and myDac from Devart....works

great and fast...and Devart has good support.


Regards Peter




You can use all databases which supported by delphi.


Delphinin desteklediği, daha önce çalıştığın tüm veritabanlarını kullanabilirsin.

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I want to write programs using the ISAPI module (only isapi module. i use webbrowser. no exe.)

I need to use the which database and which component.


also think about n-tier data design with components like kbmMW(*) or RemObjects SDK. You have many advantages: f.e. no matter where your data comes from, no matter which database you use, your unigui (frontend) application only changes slightly or not at all.



(*) the last time I looked at kbmMW (Mai 12) there was a version conflict for a unit between kbmMW and (non-source-)unigui. Maybe its solved, maybe not, the support for kbmMW is by far not so excellent as for unigui. Beside that, I like kbmMW - thinking about using in some desktop applications

  • Upvote 1

I want to write programs using the ISAPI module (only isapi module. i use webbrowser. no exe.)

I need to use the which database and which component.


I am already using Informix + DbExpress without any problem.

In theory, you can use all databases and engines with supported by Delphi.





  • Upvote 1
  • 1 year later...

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