bruno-pere Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 Hi! I want to enable/disable row editing in a grid based on a value of a cell (linked to a dataset). I tried beforeedit event but without success. Thx! Bruno Quote
Ronak Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 Hi! I want to enable/disable row editing in a grid based on a value of a cell (linked to a dataset). I tried beforeedit event but without success. Thx! Bruno BeforeEdit Even will work, try procedure TForm1.QryMainBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet) begin if QryMainColor.AsString<>'Green' then Abort; end; Quote
bruno-pere Posted December 26, 2012 Author Posted December 26, 2012 Thx! Sometimes we forget to use the easy way! I was trying with ajax. It worked now, but required a change. The grid immediately posts the changes or abort the operation based on a column value. In Grid.ExtEvents->ValidateEdit function OnValidateedit(e) { ajaxRequest(UniFrameTransf.GridTransf, 'ValidateEdit', ['val='+e.value]); } In the Grid.OnAjaxEvent procedure TUniFrameTransf.GridTransfAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName='ValidateEdit' then begin AbortEdit := AdoQueryTransf.FieldByName('OPERACAO').AsString='R'; if not AbortEdit then begin if not (AdoQueryTransf.State in ([dsEdit, dsInsert])) then AdoQueryTransf.Edit; AdoQueryTransfQUANTIDADE.Value := Params.Values['val']; AdoQueryTransf.Post; end; end end; In TADOQuery.OnBeforeEdit procedure TUniFrameTransf.ADOQueryTransfBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet); begin if AbortEdit then Abort; end; Declare AbortEdit as boolean in private. Thx! Bruno Quote
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