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How to make the key 'Enter' become the 'Tab' in UniGui

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How to make the key 'Enter' become the 'Tab' in UniGui edit components?

I mean when using uniedit or unidbgrid,when I press 'enter' key,the focus move to the next editbox,unnessary to press 'tab' key?

someone help me!

thanks in advance!



  • 2 months later...

FormNavigate demo might help you.


I checked out all demo and I couldn't get any demo that I can see how I can use Enter as Tab, could you show me how to get it or if you have any example please send it




there is FormNavigate demo,you can find the "NavigateKeys" property of UniForm,in "NavigateKeys" you can set field "next" to 13(the keycode of enter),set enable to true,then all uniedits on this form will see the "enter" key as "tab" key.




  • 10 years later...

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