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Message from: "scarre"



First congratulations for a superb project.

Next is a small feature request:

ExtJS has built-in support for sorting the grid in each column

(ascending / descending). Would it be possible to quickly implement this

functionality in UniGrid ? I think that in its most basic form, it could

simply be a sorted indicator (small triangle) in the column header,

coupled with a sorting event such as OnSort(Sender: TObject;

AColumIndex: integer; ASortDirection: TSortDirection)


Stephane Carre




Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"scarre" wrote in message


> Hello,

> First congratulations for a superb project.




> Next is a small feature request:

> ExtJS has built-in support for sorting the grid in each column (ascending

> / descending). Would it be possible to quickly implement this

> functionality in UniGrid ? I think that in its most basic form, it could

> simply be a sorted indicator (small triangle) in the column header,

> coupled with a sorting event such as OnSort(Sender: TObject; AColumIndex:

> integer; ASortDirection: TSortDirection)


This request is already logged with issue #649

I will implement it in one of the next builds.






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