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What is your recommended Database access method ?

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Message from: "Andrew Tierney"




Whats the recommended database access method for UniGui and webpages ?

(for Microsoft SQLServer)





SQLConnection + SQLQuery + DataSetProvider + ClientDataSet + DataSource



ADOConnection + Command + DataSource


Inside the UserSession module...


Also do you recommend closing/opening/refreshing on form show ?


I gather you recommend a new datasource per dblookupcombo, etc etc..?


And does the master-child dbexpress stuff work with UniGui ?





PS.. Just want to be sure I start a large test case with the right

database access method. And would you recommend GUI based DataModule or

database via 100% code ? (curious)





Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Andrew Tierney" wrote in message


> Hi,


> Whats the recommended database access method for UniGui and webpages ?

> (for Microsoft SQLServer)


> ie.


> dbExpres:

> SQLConnection + SQLQuery + DataSetProvider + ClientDataSet + DataSource


> dbGO:

> ADOConnection + Command + DataSource



It can be any of the above. The critical point here is to use a method which

consumes least amount of memory. Datasets should be kept on disk/server and

only loaded partially into memory when needed. You can also use in-memory

datasets such as ClientDataset. In this case you must limit the number of

records you keep in a dataset. It is pointless to show thousands of records

to a user anyway.


We need to do all these to limit the amount of mamory consumed for each

session, so we won't run out of memory when there are many active sessions.


> Inside the UserSession module...



I think you refer to MainModule here. Yes, MainModule is a good place to

keep all non-visual data aware components.


> Also do you recommend closing/opening/refreshing on form show ?


> I gather you recommend a new datasource per dblookupcombo, etc etc..?



It depends on your particular design.


> And does the master-child dbexpress stuff work with UniGui ?



Master detail is implemented for UniDBGrid. It should work in all scenarios.


> PS.. Just want to be sure I start a large test case with the right

> database access method. And would you recommend GUI based DataModule or

> database via 100% code ? (curious)


There should be no real difference here.





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