jeans_larghi Posted September 19, 2012 Posted September 19, 2012 I'm creating a component inherited from TuniDbComboBox. On the override the constructor shows the following message: [DCC Hint] UniDBLookUpSesamo.pas(24): H2365 Override method TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create should match case of ancestor TUniCustomComboBox.Create I attach a piece of code: type TUniDBLookUpSesamo = class(TUniDBComboBox) private FeditAjaxPartenza: TUniEdit; FeditAjaxFine: TUniEdit; FuniHiddenPanel1: TUniHiddenPanel; procedure SeteditAjaxPartenza(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SeteditAjaxFine(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SetuniHiddenPanel1(const Value: TUniHiddenPanel); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor create(Aowner :TComponent);override; published { Published declarations } property editAjaxPartenza : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxPartenza write SeteditAjaxPartenza; property editAjaxFine : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxFine write SeteditAjaxFine; property uniHiddenPanel1 : TUniHiddenPanel read FuniHiddenPanel1 write SetuniHiddenPanel1; end; ... constructor TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create(Aowner: TComponent); var mioAjax, mioInizio,miaFine: string; begin inherited; ... ClientEvents.UniEvents.add( 'OnAfterCreate=function OnAfterCreate(sender)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.ty' + 'peAhead = false;'#13#10' sender.forceSelection = false;'#13#10' se' + 'nder.triggerAction = '#39'all'#39';'#13#10' sender.editable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.maxHeight = 100;'#13#10' sender.resizable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.queryDelay = 500;'#13#10' sender.minChars = 2;'#13#10' sen' + 'der.disableKeyFilter = true;'#13#10' sender.selectOnFocus = true;' + #13#10' sender.lazyRender = true;'#13#10' validationDelay = 500;'#13 + #10'}'+ ... Thanks and best regards Quote
JasonReid Posted September 19, 2012 Posted September 19, 2012 I'm creating a component inherited from TuniDbComboBox. On the override the constructor shows the following message: [DCC Hint] UniDBLookUpSesamo.pas(24): H2365 Override method TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create should match case of ancestor TUniCustomComboBox.Create I attach a piece of code: type TUniDBLookUpSesamo = class(TUniDBComboBox) private FeditAjaxPartenza: TUniEdit; FeditAjaxFine: TUniEdit; FuniHiddenPanel1: TUniHiddenPanel; procedure SeteditAjaxPartenza(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SeteditAjaxFine(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SetuniHiddenPanel1(const Value: TUniHiddenPanel); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor create(Aowner :TComponent);override; published { Published declarations } property editAjaxPartenza : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxPartenza write SeteditAjaxPartenza; property editAjaxFine : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxFine write SeteditAjaxFine; property uniHiddenPanel1 : TUniHiddenPanel read FuniHiddenPanel1 write SetuniHiddenPanel1; end; ... constructor TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create(Aowner: TComponent); var mioAjax, mioInizio,miaFine: string; begin inherited; ... ClientEvents.UniEvents.add( 'OnAfterCreate=function OnAfterCreate(sender)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.ty' + 'peAhead = false;'#13#10' sender.forceSelection = false;'#13#10' se' + 'nder.triggerAction = '#39'all'#39';'#13#10' sender.editable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.maxHeight = 100;'#13#10' sender.resizable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.queryDelay = 500;'#13#10' sender.minChars = 2;'#13#10' sen' + 'der.disableKeyFilter = true;'#13#10' sender.selectOnFocus = true;' + #13#10' sender.lazyRender = true;'#13#10' validationDelay = 500;'#13 + #10'}'+ ... Thanks and best regards Hi.. Its just a warning, if it bothers you change : constructor create(Aowner :TComponent);override; to : constructor Create(Aowner :TComponent);override; (Capital on Create) Quote
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