Mediv Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 Hi all, tell me how to save the image in the database, I load the image into the program and want to insert rows into a table. Thank you. Quote
zilav Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 Replace canvas with TUniFileUpload Quote
Mediv Posted August 13, 2012 Author Posted August 13, 2012 Replace canvas with TUniFileUpload Спасибо, попробую. Quote
Mediv Posted August 13, 2012 Author Posted August 13, 2012 // Save record procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var blob: TStream; begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('FIRSTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(FirstNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NEXTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(LastNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NOTE').Value := Trim(NoteMemo.Text); blob := FDSourse.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMAGE'), bmWrite); UniImage.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(blob); blob.Free; // ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid FDSourse.DataSet.Post; SaveButton.ModalResult := mrOk; end; Uploading a picture to the component as in the examples TUniImage Farhad, while maintaining an error in the dataset, in line blob.Free. Can I save an image from TUniImage or it must first be put into UniHTMLFrame?? Tell me where the error occurred. Thank you. Quote
Oliver Morsch Posted August 13, 2012 Posted August 13, 2012 Do you use the TUniFileUpload component? Then you can use the OnCompleted event of this component, see here: Quote
Mediv Posted August 14, 2012 Author Posted August 14, 2012 Do you use the TUniFileUpload component? Then you can use the OnCompleted event of this component, see here: Uploading an image into the application, everything is fine. procedure TAddRecordForm.UniFileUploadCompleted(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); begin if IsImage then UniImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); end; Fill out the required fields on the form and save it to the database (TClientDataSet field type ftGraphic). The image is not saved. Does anyone see a mistake? Thank you. // Save record procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var blob, blob1: TStream; BlobField: TField; BS: TStream; begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('FIRSTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(FirstNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NEXTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(LastNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NOTE').Value := Trim(NoteMemo.Text); BlobField := FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMAGE'); BS := FDSourse.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(BlobField,bmReadWrite); UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.SaveToStream(BS); BS.Free; FDSourse.DataSet.Post; TClientDataSet(FDSourse.DataSet).SaveToFile('hamster.cds',dfBinary); SaveButton.ModalResult := mrOk; end; Quote
Oliver Morsch Posted August 14, 2012 Posted August 14, 2012 What filetype (.bmp, .jpg, .png, ...) do you upload and do you really want to save it as Bitmap? You should delete "BS.Free;". What if you use field type ftBlob instead of ftGraphic? Quote
Mediv Posted August 15, 2012 Author Posted August 15, 2012 What filetype (.bmp, .jpg, .png, ...) do you upload and do you really want to save it as Bitmap? You should delete "BS.Free;". What if you use field type ftBlob instead of ftGraphic? I tried to load the image format jpeg, png, bmp. added another blob type field in the dataset, I tried to load in this field. Not what does not work, text fields are stored and the image is not. procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var BlobField, GraphicField: TField; BS, BS1: TStream; begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('FIRSTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(FirstNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NEXTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(LastNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NOTE').Value := Trim(NoteMemo.Text); BlobField := FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMG'); BS := FDSourse.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(BlobField,bmReadWrite); GraphicField := FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMAGE'); BS1 := FDSourse.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(GraphicField,bmReadWrite); UniImage.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(BS); UniImage.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(BS1); FDSourse.DataSet.Post; TClientDataSet(FDSourse.DataSet).SaveToFile('hamster.cds',dfBinary); SaveButton.ModalResult := mrOk; end; Quote
Mediv Posted August 15, 2012 Author Posted August 15, 2012 The test project. DELPHI 2007. BUILD 943. Quote
Ronak Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 Hi, Here I attached complete demo for, image in the database with dataControls as well as with using non-dataControls... Also, this Saves any file in a database field, displays the image if it is img, Image Supports BMP, JPG, ICO, PNG, GIF. any other binary files are saved without display.... BlobField.rar Quote
Ronak Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 Dear Mediv In your test project.... unit FormAddRecord; . . type TAddRecordForm = class(TUniForm) . . private IsImage : Boolean; FDSourse : TDataSource; pStream: TMemoryStream; // pStream: TFileStream; public end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, ServerModule, DateUtils, EncdDecd; function AddRecordForm: TAddRecordForm; begin Result := TAddRecordForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TAddRecordForm)); end; // Load procedure TAddRecordForm.UniFileUploadCompleted(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); begin if IsImage then begin UniImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); // pStream := AStream; pStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; pStream.CopyFrom(AStream,AStream.Size); end; end; // Save record procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var BlobField: TBlobField; begin if pStream<>nil then begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; . . BlobField := FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMG'); BlobField.LoadFromStream(pStream); FDSourse.DataSet.Post; . . pStream.Free; pStream:=nil; end; end; end. Quote
Mediv Posted August 15, 2012 Author Posted August 15, 2012 Thank you very much for your help. It works, loaded bmp, loading jpg, png error: Bitmap image is not valid // Save record procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var BlobField: TBlobField; begin if mStream <> nil then begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('FIRSTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(FirstNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NEXTNAMEHAMSTER').Value := Trim(LastNameEdit.Text); FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('NOTE').Value := Trim(NoteMemo.Text); BlobField := TBlobField(FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMG')); BlobField.LoadFromStream(mStream); // ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid FDSourse.DataSet.Post; TClientDataSet(FDSourse.DataSet).SaveToFile('hamster.cds',dfBinary); mStream.Free; mStream:=nil; end; // ModalResult := mrOk; end; Quote
Ronak Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 Dear Mediv, ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid is due to TUniDbImage, if the blob field do not contain BMP, or if the blob field contain other img files like JPG or PNG, or if the blob field contain other binary files which do not have Bitmap image, and hence the ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid. Try using TUniImage and display the Picture using ShowImage Procedure below, may call in AfterScroll event of the DS. I have used ShowImage Procedure in my BlobField demo project. procedure TMainForm.ShowImage(BlobFld: TField; UniImage: TUniImage); var m: TStream; G: TGraphic; FirstBytes: AnsiString; bValidImg:Boolean; Icon: TIcon ; begin UniImage.Picture.Graphic := nil; if BlobFld.IsNull then begin Exit; end; m := BlobFld.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(BlobFld, bmRead); if m <> nil then begin G := nil; bValidImg:=True; try SetLength(FirstBytes, 8); m.Read(FirstBytes[1], 8); if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 2) = 'BM' then G := TBitmap.Create else if FirstBytes = #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10 then G := TPngImage.Create else if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 3) = 'GIF' then G := TGIFImage.Create else if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 2) = #$FF#$D8 then G := TJPEGImage.Create else bValidImg:=False; if bValidImg then begin try UniImage.Picture.Graphic := G; m.Seek(0,0); UniImage.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(m); finally G.Free; end; end else begin if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 4) = #0#0#1#0 then begin Icon := TIcon.Create; try m.Seek(0,0); Icon.LoadFromStream(m); UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Width := Icon.Width; UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Height:= Icon.Height; UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Icon); finally Icon.Free; end; end; end; finally m.Free; end; end; end; Regards Quote
Mediv Posted August 15, 2012 Author Posted August 15, 2012 Hi, ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid is due to TUniDbImage, if the blob field do not contain image, Try TUniImage and display the Picture using ShowImage Procedure in Mainform in my DemoProject. Regards Thank you very much for your time. I'll try. Quote
Oliver Morsch Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 UniImage.Picture.Graphic := TJPEGImage.Create Could this produce a memory leak? I Think so, if i read this note from embarcadero: Note: When assigning the Graphic property, TPicture assigns the properties of a another TGraphic object. It does not take ownership of the specified object. TPicture seems to use assign to make a copy (and not take ownership) of the created JpegImage-Object so that this is never be freed?! Quote
Ronak Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 Could this produce a memory leak? I Think so, if i read this note from embarcadero: TPicture seems to use assign to make a copy (and not take ownership) of the created JpegImage-Object so that this is never be freed?! you are correct, I too think so, ShowImage procedure corrected.., G : TGraphic; G:= ...Create; G.Free; Thanks Quote
paradoxxm Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 very good. thank you. but on the main module used for the scroll event adotable work. Can you help? (I use sql server database) Quote
Ronak Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 very good. thank you. but on the main module used for the scroll event adotable work. Can you help? (I use sql server database) if so, then you may update the Image on some other Event like UniFormCreate, OnCellClick or BtnClick by calling procedure like ShowImage above, here, ShowImage dose nothing but just displays the picture if possible. AfterScroll event is one good event to update the controls and if your Query/Table is on MainModule you need to find when the image can be loaded/displayed and where the procedure can be called. now, if in the MainModule, AfterScroll event is not in use and is nil then you can try like : unit Unit1; interface uses type TUniForm1 = class(TUniForm) UniImage1: TUniImage; procedure UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure myAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); // Attn. private public end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses MainModule, uniGUIApplication; procedure TUniForm1.myAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin ShowImage(UniMainModule.QryMainImg1, UniImage1); end; procedure TUniForm1.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin UniMainModule.QryMain.AfterScroll:=nil; end; procedure TUniForm1.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.QryMain.AfterScroll:=myAfterScroll; end; end. Quote
paradoxxm Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Ronak thank you. now it works just fine.!! Quote
zilav Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 I have used ShowImage Procedure in my BlobField demo project. Jesus people, you are writing for a web browser. Just drop an image file somewhere and link to it with <img src=...> tag, thats all. Browser knows about image formats way more than you. That ShowImage procedure is the worst piece of code for web. So much mess for doing so little. It's only usefulness is when app needs to work with both web and VCL the same way. If it is not your aim, don't do that. Quote
Ronak Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 Jesus people, you are writing for a web browser. Just drop an image file somewhere and link to it with <img src=...> tag, thats all. Browser knows about image formats way more than you. That ShowImage procedure is the worst piece of code for web. So much mess for doing so little. It's only usefulness is when app needs to work with both web and VCL the same way. If it is not your aim, don't do that. Thanks Zilav, this is very good hint for me, I just set the UniImage.URL, fantastic property. procedure TMainForm.SetImageUrl(BlobFld: TField; UniImage: TUniImage; fileName: String); var Tmp,TmpFile:String; begin Tmp:= 'Tmp_' +UnitName +IntToStr(BlobFld.DataSet.RecNo) +fileName; TmpFile:= UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +Tmp; if (not FileExists(PChar(TmpFile))) then TBlobField(BlobFld).SaveToFile(PChar(TmpFile)); try UniImage.Url:= ''; UniImage.Refresh; UniImage.Url:= UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL +Tmp; except end; end; Quote
zilav Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 Don't forget to add some random value at the end of url like "image.jpg?3554356756756" so the image won't be loaded from browser's cache the next time it is refreshed. Quote
alasoft Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 I used 'TCargaImagenEnDataSet' to save into a TDataSet then contents of a TUniImage component. And to render into a TUniImage from a TDataSet.FieldByName(..) In general works perfectly well for 'almost' any kind of Image (BitMap,JPG,PNG) .. sometimes, very rare, not :-) Greetings PD: I can't upload the files so .. here they are. For rendering from TDataSet into TUniImage ------------------------------------------ unit cCargaImagenDeDataSet; interface uses Classes, Db, Graphics, ExtCtrls, axCtrls, uniImage; type TCargaImagenDeDataSet = class private oDataSet: TDataSet; cNombreDeCampo: String; oImagen: TUniImage; oGrafico: TOleGraphic; oOrigen: TImage; oBitMap: TBitMap; oMemoria: TStream; function Grafico: TOleGraphic; function Origen: TImage; function BitMap: TBitMap; function Memoria: TStream; procedure SeteaGrafico; procedure SeteaOrigen; procedure SeteaBitmap; procedure SeteaImagen; function ImagenNoNula: Boolean; procedure Ejecuta; procedure Inicio; procedure Proceso; procedure Fin; public constructor Create(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); procedure Carga; overload; class procedure Carga(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); overload; end; implementation { TCargaImagenDeDataSet } procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Carga; begin if ImagenNoNula then Ejecuta; end; function TCargaImagenDeDataSet.BitMap: TBitMap; begin if oBitMap=nil then oBitMap:=TBitMap.Create; Result:=oBitMap; end; class procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Carga(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); begin with TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Create(oDataSetPar,cNombreDeCampoPar,oImagenPar) do try Carga; finally Free; end; end; constructor TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Create(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); begin inherited Create; oDataSet:=oDataSetPar; cNombreDeCampo:=cNombreDeCampoPar; oImagen:=oImagenPar; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Ejecuta; begin Inicio; try Proceso; finally Fin; end; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Fin; begin if oMemoria<>nil then oMemoria.Free; if oGrafico<>nil then oGrafico.Free; if oOrigen<>nil then oOrigen.Free; if oBitMap<>nil then oBitMap.Free; end; function TCargaImagenDeDataSet.ImagenNoNula: Boolean; begin Result:=(0<Memoria.Size); end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Inicio; begin with oDataSet do if not (State in [dsInsert,dsEdit]) then Edit; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Proceso; begin SeteaGrafico; SeteaOrigen; SeteaBitmap; SeteaImagen; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.SeteaGrafico; begin Grafico.LoadFromStream(Memoria); end; function TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Memoria: TStream; begin if oMemoria=nil then with oDataSet do oMemoria:=CreateBlobStream(FieldByName(cNombreDeCampo),bmRead); Result:=oMemoria; end; function TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Grafico: TOleGraphic; begin if oGrafico=nil then oGrafico:=TOleGraphic.Create; Result:=oGrafico; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.SeteaOrigen; begin Origen.Picture.Assign(Grafico); end; function TCargaImagenDeDataSet.Origen: TImage; begin if oOrigen=nil then oOrigen:=TImage.Create(nil); Result:=oOrigen; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.SeteaBitmap; begin with BitMap do begin Width:=Origen.Picture.Width; Height:=Origen.Picture.Height; Canvas.Draw(0,0,Origen.Picture.Graphic); end; end; procedure TCargaImagenDeDataSet.SeteaImagen; begin oImagen.Picture.Bitmap:=BitMap; end; end. For saving TUniImage in TDataSet.TField --------------------------------------- unit cCargaImagenEnDataSet; interface uses Classes, Db, Graphics, ExtCtrls, axCtrls, uniImage; type TCargaImagenEnDataSet = class private oDataSet: TDataSet; cNombreDeCampo: String; oImagen: TUniImage; oArchivo: TFileStream; oMemoria: TStream; procedure Inicio; procedure Proceso; procedure Fin; procedure SeteaImagen; procedure SeteaMemoria; function Memoria: TStream; public constructor Create(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oArchivoPar: TFileStream; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); procedure Carga; overload; class procedure Carga(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oArchivoPar: TFileStream; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); overload; end; implementation { TCargaImagenEnDataSet } procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Carga; begin Inicio; try Proceso; finally Fin; end; end; class procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Carga(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oArchivoPar: TFileStream; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); begin with TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Create(oDataSetPar,cNombreDeCampoPar,oArchivoPar,oImagenPar) do try Carga; finally Free; end; end; constructor TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Create(const oDataSetPar: TDataSet; const cNombreDeCampoPar: String; const oArchivoPar: TFileStream; const oImagenPar: TUniImage); begin inherited Create; oDataSet:=oDataSetPar; cNombreDeCampo:=cNombreDeCampoPar; oArchivo:=oArchivoPar; oImagen:=oImagenPar; end; procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Fin; begin if oMemoria<>nil then oMemoria.Free; end; procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Inicio; begin with oDataSet do if not (State in [dsInsert,dsEdit]) then Edit; end; function TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Memoria: TStream; begin if oMemoria=nil then with oDataSet do oMemoria:=CreateBlobStream(FieldByName(cNombreDeCampo),bmWrite); Result:=oMemoria; end; procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.Proceso; begin SeteaImagen; SeteaMemoria; end; procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.SeteaImagen; begin oImagen.Picture.LoadFromFile(oArchivo.FileName); end; procedure TCargaImagenEnDataSet.SeteaMemoria; begin oImagen.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(Memoria); end; end. Quote
zilav Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 PD: I can't upload the files so .. here they are. For rendering from TDataSet into TUniImage Ok I admit... I was wrong. That is the worst piece of code for web Quote
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