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I am trying set a form like the example shown in ExtJS Layout Window, with the panel collapsing into the left side.

Is there a way to achieve this with UniGUI?.



Not directly from Delphi, but you may try playing with config params of Ext.Panel in UniPanel.

I am trying but I can't find the way. I attach:


  • ExtJS demo that I wish simulate with UnigUI (Basically is a simple Window that contains a panel and a tab panel)
  • UniGUI equivalent to ExtJS demo


The intended effect is caused by the config line layout: 'border' (line 54 in layout.js). In UniGUI, I am using ClientEvents to put the following:


function window.OnAdded(sender, ownerCt, index)







But it doesn't work. May be these lines must be put in other place?



ExtJS Layout Window Example.rar



I am trying but I can't find the way. I attach:


  • ExtJS demo that I wish simulate with UnigUI (Basically is a simple Window that contains a panel and a tab panel)
  • UniGUI equivalent to ExtJS demo


The intended effect is caused by the config line layout: 'border' (line 54 in layout.js). In UniGUI, I am using ClientEvents to put the following:


function window.OnAdded(sender, ownerCt, index)







But it doesn't work. May be these lines must be put in other place?




Can anyone help to find what is wrong with the sample or tell me how to achieve the desired result of ExtJS using UniGUI?


  • Administrators

I played around with this for a while with no real success. The real issue is so deep that you can't simply achieve it by setting JS parameters. Implementing this functionality requires a deeper integration with unigui.


Logged #1362


I played around with this for a while with no real success. The real issue is so deep that you can't simply achieve it by setting JS parameters. Implementing this functionality requires a deeper integration with unigui.


Logged #1362

Thank you very much for your dedication. It will be great to see this functionality integrated within UniGUI.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Why not use TUniRegionPanel component from PatMap:





object MainForm: TMainForm
 Left = 0
 Top = 0
 Caption = 'MainForm'
 ClientHeight = 421
 ClientWidth = 707
 Color = clBtnFace
 OldCreateOrder = False
 MonitoredKeys.Keys = <>
 PixelsPerInch = 96
 TextHeight = 13
 object UniRegionPanel1: TUniRegionPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 707
Height = 421
Caption = 'UniRegionPanel1'
Align = alClient
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
Color = clBtnFace
TabOrder = 0
Regionable = False
RegionSplit = False
RegionFrame = False
RegionTitleCollapse = False
RegionCollapsible = False
Region = rgCenter
object UniRegionPanel2: TUniRegionPanel
 	Left = 1
 	Top = 1
 	Width = 185
 	Height = 419
 	Caption = 'UniRegionPanel1'
 	Align = alLeft
 	Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom]
 	Color = clBtnFace
 	TabOrder = 1
 	Regionable = True
 	RegionSplit = False
 	RegionFrame = False
 	RegionTitleCollapse = False
 	RegionCollapsible = True
 	Region = rgWest
 	RegionParent = UniRegionPanel1
object UniRegionPanel3: TUniRegionPanel
 	Left = 185
 	Top = 1
 	Width = 522
 	Height = 419
 	Caption = 'UniRegionPanel3'
 	Align = alClient
 	Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
 	Color = clBtnFace
 	TabOrder = 2
 	Regionable = True
 	RegionSplit = False
 	RegionFrame = False
 	RegionTitleCollapse = False
 	RegionCollapsible = False
 	Region = rgCenter
 	RegionParent = UniRegionPanel1

  • 5 years later...

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