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Hi Farhad, In my project by clicking on the button I call a form, these forms I have UniToolBar with buttons.

Hint on the buttons installed but they are not displayed.

I have several of these forms with UniToolBar and anywhere hint is not displayed.

Hint not displayed only UniToolBar, put it on the form UniSpeedButton all is well.

  object ToolsPanel: TUniPanel
	Left = 0
	Top = 0
	Width = 489
	Height = 45
	ParentShowHint = False
	BorderStyle = ubsFrameRaised
	Align = alTop
	Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
	Color = clBtnFace
	TabOrder = 0
	object PersonCardToolBar: TUniToolBar
  	Left = 2
  	Top = 2
  	Width = 143
  	Height = 41
  	ParentShowHint = False
  	ButtonHeight = 38
  	ButtonWidth = 39
  	Images = ImageList
  	BorderWidth = 0
  	Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom]
  	Align = alLeft
  	TabOrder = 1
  	object FindPersonCardToolButton: TUniToolButton
    	Left = 0
    	Top = 0
    	Hint = # 1055 # 1086 # 1080 # 1089 # 1082 "" 1079 # 1080 # '' # 1089 # 1087 # 1080 # 1089 # 1082 # 1072 '' # 1092 # 1080 # 1079 '. '# 1083 # 1080 # 1094
    	ShowHint = True
    	ParentShowHint = False
    	ImageIndex = 2
    	OnClick = FindPersonCardActionExecute


Thank you.



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