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Message from: "Luis Diaz"


El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos works well with Delphi 2010.

I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

My scenario is:

In a MainModule put:



Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Luis Diaz" wrote in message


> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos works

>> well with Delphi 2010.

> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

> My scenario is:

> In a MainModule put:

> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login form.

> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one

> IBsql+Ibtransaction for search data form.

> Login form works well, bat in the second form I get error "unprepared

> statament" when execute the query.

> And I can not find a solution to the problem...


You scenario looks plausible. Have you tested your project in Desktop mode







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Luis Diaz" wrote in message


> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos works

>> well with Delphi 2010.

> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

> My scenario is:

> In a MainModule put:

> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login form.

> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one


How do you create your Form at runtime? Post a code snippet.






Message from: "Luis Diaz"


El 18/01/2011 20:37, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

> news:FtSrPS0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos works

>>> well with Delphi 2010.

>> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

>> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

>> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

>> My scenario is:

>> In a MainModule put:

>> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

>> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login form.

>> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

>> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one

> You scenario looks plausible. Have you tested your project in Desktop mode

> first

No I defined the project only as Isapi.

> How do you create your Form at runtime? Post a code snippet.

procedure TMainForm.UniButton6Click(Sender: TObject);

var calendario : TExpPerCalendario;



Calendario := TExpPerCalendario.Create(uniApplication);

Calendario.CodTerceiro :=







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Luis Diaz" wrote in message


> El 18/01/2011 20:37, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

>> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

>> news:FtSrPS0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>>> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>>>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>>>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos

>>>> works

>>>> well with Delphi 2010.

>>> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

>>> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

>>> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

>>> My scenario is:

>>> In a MainModule put:

>>> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

>>> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login form.

>>> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

>>> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one

>> You scenario looks plausible. Have you tested your project in Desktop

>> mode

>> first

> No I defined the project only as Isapi.


OK. Can you recompile it for Desktop mode and see if the problem persists?

This problem looks irrelevant to uniGUI.


>> How do you create your Form at runtime? Post a code snippet.

> procedure TMainForm.UniButton6Click(Sender: TObject);

> var calendario : TExpPerCalendario;

> begin

> PMenu.Visible:=false;

> Calendario := TExpPerCalendario.Create(uniApplication);

> Calendario.CodTerceiro :=

> MainModule.UniMainModule.QueryUsu.FieldByName('USU_TER').AsString;

> Calendario.Show;

> end;






Message from: "Luis Diaz"


El 18/01/2011 20:44, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

> news:qcLvse0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>> El 18/01/2011 20:37, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

>>> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

>>> news:FtSrPS0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>>>> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>>>>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>>>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>>>>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos

>>>>> works

>>>>> well with Delphi 2010.

>>>> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

>>>> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

>>>> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

>>>> My scenario is:

>>>> In a MainModule put:

>>>> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

>>>> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login form.

>>>> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

>>>> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one

>>> You scenario looks plausible. Have you tested your project in Desktop

>>> mode

>>> first

>> No I defined the project only as Isapi.

> OK. Can you recompile it for Desktop mode and see if the problem persists?

> This problem looks irrelevant to uniGUI.


how I do this?





Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Luis Diaz" wrote in message


> El 18/01/2011 20:44, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

>> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

>> news:qcLvse0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>>> El 18/01/2011 20:37, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

>>>> "Luis Diaz" wrote in message

>>>> news:FtSrPS0tLHA.2164@anaxagvs227...

>>>>> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>>>>>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>>>>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>>>>>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos

>>>>>> works

>>>>>> well with Delphi 2010.

>>>>> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

>>>>> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime.

>>>>> I do not understand how I should use the data access compenentes.

>>>>> My scenario is:

>>>>> In a MainModule put:

>>>>> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

>>>>> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login

>>>>> form.

>>>>> Login form is a panel in Main Form.

>>>>> From Main form call to second form (created at runtime) with one

>>>> You scenario looks plausible. Have you tested your project in Desktop

>>>> mode

>>>> first

>>> No I defined the project only as Isapi.

>> OK. Can you recompile it for Desktop mode and see if the problem

>> persists?

>> This problem looks irrelevant to uniGUI.


> how I do this?



Create a new combo project VCL+ISAPI. Move your forms and modules from old

project to new one.






Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"




VCL mode is not much different than a regular delphi app, so it seems to =

be related to database components and the way you use them.=20



In VCL mode get the same error:


The query in login work fine. This second query break with this error.

The difference between them is where they are placed. The first are in =

MainModule with TDatabase, the second are into second form conected to =

first TDatabase. Each query with your respective transaction. Only share =

the Tdatabase.





Message from: "Luis Diaz"


El 18/01/2011 21:32, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

> so it seems to be related to database components and the way you use

> them.

Well. My way to use unigui is corect?

I study about use of Interbase components.





Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Luis Diaz" wrote in message


> El 18/01/2011 21:32, Farshad Mohajeri escribió:

>> so it seems to be related to database components and the way you use

>> them.

> Well. My way to use unigui is corect?

> I study about use of Interbase components.

> Thk.


Yes, you can use MainModule and Forms for non-visual Data components.

Good practice is to put non-visual data components in MainModule and other

DataModules created from uniGUI wizard.





  • 4 weeks later...

Message from: "Sergio"


Hola Luis!


your problem is not unigui related at all. I bet you have a second SQL

that uses the user id as a parameter, something like:


Select * from messages where userid=:ID


OK, in this case, you need to do a TTable.prepare; just beffore you can

assign a value to :ID and execute the query, for instance:


MyTable.SelectSQL.Text:= 'select * from messages where userid=:ID';


MyTable.Params[0].value:= 'Pepe'; //The user ID from 1st. query



Hope it helps you.

Sergio (Spain).



Luis Diaz wrote:


> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

> > Luis Diaz escreveu:

> >

> > > What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

> > I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos

> > works well with Delphi 2010.

> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime. I do not

> understand how I should use the data access compenentes. My scenario

> is: In a MainModule put:

> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login

> form. Login form is a panel in Main Form. From Main form call to

> second form (created at runtime) with one IBsql+Ibtransaction for

> search data form. Login form works well, bat in the second form I

> get error "unprepared statament" when execute the query. And I can

> not find a solution to the problem...





Message from: "Luis Diaz"


El 11/02/2011 16:00, Sergio escribió:

> Hola Luis!


> your problem is not unigui related at all. I bet you have a second SQL

> that uses the user id as a parameter, something like:


> Select * from messages where userid=:ID


> OK, in this case, you need to do a TTable.prepare; just beffore you can

> assign a value to :ID and execute the query, for instance:


> MyTable.SelectSQL.Text:= 'select * from messages where userid=:ID';

> MyTable.prepare;

> MyTable.Params[0].value:= 'Pepe'; //The user ID from 1st. query

> MyTable.Open;


> Hope it helps you.

> Sergio (Spain).



> Luis Diaz wrote:


>> El 18/01/2011 18:10, Junior/RO escribió:

>>> Luis Diaz escreveu:


>>>> What it's a better components to access to Firebird with unigui?

>>> I am using Zeos, but only the trunk version of development of Zeos

>>> works well with Delphi 2010.

>> I try Interbase components, but I get error when put a

>> TIbSql+TIBtransaction in a form created in runtime. I do not

>> understand how I should use the data access compenentes. My scenario

>> is: In a MainModule put:

>> -- One IBDatabase for use for all forms

>> -- One IbSql+IbTransaction for validate user and password in login

>> form. Login form is a panel in Main Form. From Main form call to

>> second form (created at runtime) with one IBsql+Ibtransaction for

>> search data form. Login form works well, bat in the second form I

>> get error "unprepared statament" when execute the query. And I can

>> not find a solution to the problem...

Thanks for information. I now use ZeosLib and work fine.




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