sagt3k Posted May 4, 2012 Posted May 4, 2012 Hi, I use objects for many years as Fast-Script to write code at run-time, saved on database and always be modified in real-time. I wonder if I can have an object at run-time on UNIGUI able to modify the form and then be able to apply code at run-time with objects as Fast-Script or RemObjects Pascal Script. I think it can be very useful to manage a quick maintenance of our software over the Web without changing the application .exe. What do you think? Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted May 8, 2012 Administrators Posted May 8, 2012 It should be doable. You need to start trying by adding unigui controls to your script engine. Quote
NelsonFS Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 Hi, I use objects for many years as Fast-Script to write code at run-time, saved on database and always be modified in real-time. I wonder if I can have an object at run-time on UNIGUI able to modify the form and then be able to apply code at run-time with objects as Fast-Script or RemObjects Pascal Script. I think it can be very useful to manage a quick maintenance of our software over the Web without changing the application .exe. What do you think? That would be very interesting indeed. Send us an example ... how you did it! It would be nice to see working. Quote
sagt3k Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 At present am maintaining an engine that works on a classic project delphi. For several months I'm trying to port the entire project to UNIGUI unverse with great difficulty . However, I anticipate that the script can work in multi-thread on which I create in the form of TFrame then applying scripts that fetch from database. This allows me to change the logic of the program in real time. The program at the end is just a shell. Thank you for your interest, however, thought that working on the web is one of the most effective and quick to do maintenance projects to clients. Quote
fjtrooper Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 That would be very interesting indeed. Send us an example ... how you did it! It would be nice to see working. YES! Quote
sagt3k Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 OK, This is the heart of the current thread, which allows the start of the script and assign objects. For now I am busy with porting UNIGUI whole project, I will keep you informed as soon as I ported the script. procedure TScriptThread.Execute; Var Error:Boolean; begin CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsClassesRTTI1:=TfsClassesRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsGraphicsRTTI1:=TfsGraphicsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsFormsRTTI1:=TfsFormsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsExtCtrlsRTTI1:=TfsExtCtrlsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDialogsRTTI1:=TfsDialogsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsMenusRTTI1:=TfsMenusRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsADORTTI1:=TfsADORTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDBRTTI1:=TfsDBRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDBCtrlsRTTI1:=TfsDBCtrlsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsChartRTTI1:=TfsChartRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsScript1:=TfsScript.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsPascal1:=TfsPascal.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsCPP1:=TfsCPP.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsJScript1:=TfsJScript.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsBasic1:=TfsBasic.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsScript1.SyntaxType:=LangScript; fsScript1.OnRunLine:=fsScript1RunLine; ErrorList:=TStringList.Create; StrToPrintMsg:='Compiling ...'; Self.Synchronize(PrintMsg); MsgList:=TStringList.Create; CicliIstruz:=0; Try fsScript1.Clear; fsScript1.AddRTTI; fsScript1.AddClass(TForm, 'TForm'); fsScript1.AddClass(TApplication, 'TApplication'); fsScript1.AddClass(TWinControl,'TWinControl'); fsScript1.AddClass(TPanel,'TPanel'); fsScript1.AddClass(TEdit,'TEdit'); fsScript1.AddClass(TCustomADODataset,'TCustomADODataset'); fsScript1.AddClass(TADODataset,'TADODataset'); fsScript1.AddClass(TCustomEdit,'TCustomEdit'); fsScript1.AddObject('Self',Self); fsScript1.AddObject('Application',Application); fsScript1.AddObject('MainForm', TForm(Engine.MainForm)); fsScript1.AddObject('ChildForm', TForm(ChildForm)); if MainPanel<>Nil then fsScript1.AddObject('MainPanel',MainPanel); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ApplicationProcessMessages;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ClearMsg',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ClearOut',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetInstrCycle:Int64;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetTickCount:Longint;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetThreadID:Integer;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetThreadSession:String;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Pause(Str:String);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Print(Str:Variant);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure PrintMsg(Str:Variant);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Sleep(time:integer);',CallMethod); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try If @thScriptAddObject<>Nil then thScriptAddObject(Self); except End; fsScript1.Lines.Text:=TextScript; StrStatus:='Running|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); Error:=False; fsScript1.Run; except on E: Exception do Begin Error:=True; ErrorList.Add(LastLine1+' : '+E.Message); StrStatus:='Error|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; end; Try if fsScript1.ErrorMsg<>'' then Begin Error:=True; ErrorList.Add(fsScript1.ErrorMsg+' - '+fsScript1.ErrorPos+' - '+fsScript1.ErrorUnit); StrStatus:='Error|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; except End; Try if (Messages<>Nil) and (ErrorList.Text<>'') then Messages.Lines.Add(ErrorList.Text); except End; if Error=False then StrStatus:='End|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; Self.Synchronize(EndScriptThread); CoUninitialize; Try fsScript1.Terminate except End; end; PS: Please format your code before posting - Farshad Quote
herculanojs Posted October 29, 2017 Posted October 29, 2017 Hello, what end turned the project with script? Quote
davidizadar Posted October 30, 2017 Posted October 30, 2017 Adding scripting to a project should be (and it is) totally unrelated to the platform. If you look at the latest Best Practices, with uniGUI with can target both platforms - desktop and touch - and it is possible to separate the user interface from the business logic. Basically, we should leverage Delphi actions and event handlers for moving all the business logic to a data module. Any piece of code in the data module is just Delphi code and it could be implemented by using a scripting language. The only requirement is to provide the bindings (the script must be able to reference the host application classes). You can use Pascal Script, paxCompiler, anything. Things become more interesting when you add a run-time Form Designer to the mix, allowing you to redesign (or just design) the user interface, save that design, and load it again everytime you activate it again. Everything is possible! Quote
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