picyka Posted May 1, 2012 Posted May 1, 2012 Why when using shortcut keys and shoot a button for example, if a component TUniScreenMask he is not fired? The buttons still do not receive focus? I'm making a component based on TUniComboBox only when it enters the field to change the color, I'm using the Meto DoOnEnter procedure; override; DoOnExit procedure; override; TUniComboBoxLabel.Create constructor (AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create (AOwner); PersistentEvents: PersistentEvents = + [eventer, evExit]; Self.FItensValues: = TStringList.Create; Self.Style: = csOwnerDrawFixed; end; TUniComboBoxLabel.Destroy destructor; begin inherited Destroy; FreeAndNil (Self.FItensValues); end; TUniComboBoxLabel.DoOnEnter procedure; begin Self.Color = $ 00C4FFFF; DoOnEnter inherited; end; TUniComboBoxLabel.DoOnExit procedure; begin Self.Color: = clWindow; DoOnExit inherited; end; being that only returns the color white when ultilizemos to exit the field mouse, using the Enter key does not work. Another thing how to implement a label next to the component as native delphi TLabeledEdit? Thanks for the help hugs Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted May 2, 2012 Administrators Posted May 2, 2012 Please send a working test case demonstrating your issue. Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted May 3, 2012 Administrators Posted May 3, 2012 files ! Looks like an Ext JS issue. Logged #1334 Quote
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