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Try this for DBGrid.ExtEvents onReconfigure JS Event:


function OnReconfigure(sender, store, colModel)
 colModel.getColumnById(1).renderer=function(val) {
return '<span style="color:green;">' + val + '</span>';


Hi Farshad.

Sorry. I'm probably not quite correct to explain my question,

I want to change the background color of entire rows, the first line - white, the next - gray, etc. not a color value in the cell.

Thank you.

  • Administrators

For each column you need to write a proper renderer function in JS.


function OnReconfigure(sender, store, colModel)
 colModel.getColumnById(1).renderer=function(val, metadata, rec, row, col, store) {
     if (row==0)
     return val;

 colModel.getColumnById(2).renderer=function(val, metadata, rec, row, col, store) {
     return val;


I do not know where Js, help me understand!

I want to loop through the rows and columns, the columns did, the problem with strings.

colModel.getColumnCount () returns the number to the columns.

colModel.getRowCount () returns a count of rows?


Or maybe I have an error in the other?

function OnReconfigure (sender, store, colModel)
  for (i = 0; i <colModel.getColumnCount() -1; i + +)
     colModel.getColumnById (i). renderer = function (val, metadata, rec, row, col, store)
         for (j = 0; k = 0; j <colModel.getRowCount () -1; j + +)
             if (row == k)
                 metadata.attr = 'style = "background-color: grey;"';
                 k = k + 2;
             return val;

Thank you.

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