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I have a UniDBGrid attached to a datasource. I also have a UiDBNavigator attached to the same datasource.

As expected, I can navigate the datasource either by pressing the Next / Previous button in the navigator or by using the grid itself (eg. up / down arrow key or clicking on desired row using the mouse - all good, so far.

Note: Moving to a different record in the datasource can potentially take a couple seconds. This happens because the Dataset.OnScroll event of the datasource applies a filter to a couple of other datasets (i.e. achieving a master detail relationship) and these other datasets themselves are bound to some visual components, many of which are displaying images from the dataset.  That's mostly for a background of what's causing the delay and I will refer to this lengthy period as "THE DELAY"

 After enabling the ScreenMask property for the navigator... when I press a navigator button (Next or Previous) it works as I hoped it would. That is, a) press next b) Mask is displayed c) THE DELAY occurs d) finally the mask is hidden immediately after THE DELAY is complete.

However, if I navigate the datasource using the UniDBGrid itself (with LoadMask enabled)... a) no mask is ever displayed b) I can navigate the records immediately back-to-back without THE DELAY c) however, if I quickly move to 3 different records THE DELAY gets "queued" up and does in fact happen 3 times asynchronously. 

How can I make navigation using the grid work the same as via the navigator?  That is, display a ScreenMask, thereby not allowing me to make another move, until THE DELAY is completed.

PS I have tried setting UniDBGrid.LoadMask with & without WaitData. And the LoadMask appears to work correctly (it appears when I change pages via the grid).

Your thoughts, please.


Navigating the datasource (i.e. moving to different records) via the grid, using either the keyboard (up & down keys) or clicking on a row with the mouse. 

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