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The only way I can imagine is to use some pdf js library to render it inside the browser (Mozilla and Google have those), but they don't fully support any pdf.


If you still want to try, here is the pdf.js project from Mozilla.

It can render pdf to designated canvas element, you'll need to hook some onready event and call window.print() from there. Just some general ideas.




I would like to know if is possible to print a content of PDF file directly using JS.




Check this: code.google.com/p/jzebra/


Check this: code.google.com/p/jzebra/

I strongly advise againt it, java applets technology is dead. Noone is supporting it except Oracle, buy they don't have a word in modern web development, and sooner or later all browsers will stop working with applets. Don't trap yourself in dead technologies.


I strongly advise againt it, java applets technology is dead. Noone is supporting it except Oracle, buy they don't have a word in modern web development, and sooner or later all browsers will stop working with applets. Don't trap yourself in dead technologies.


Thank you for your advise. It is a very good for our community, but this the solution I find to print out directly to printers in any browser and it works very well, not just for FF o Chrome, etc... it works in all of they. At the same time it is "transparent" to my application, so I will be able to change it when I will find a better solution. I suggest him, and it could be use now while there are not another solution, and later change it.


I think applets have 2-3 more years before they'll be abandoned in browsers (until some miracle happens of course, like Oracle becoming the best friends with Google/Mozilla/Microsoft). But it is not the real problem. You must have java installed for this to work. Your users must install java. So if you have a several hundreds of users, all of them must install java.

I think that the web apps should work with a bare browser without any additional plugins. If you are forcing your customers to install additional components for you web app to work correctly, it would be better just to write a normal desktop app.

You force them to install something, so why not just force them to install a desktop application with a much larger capabilities than any web app can ever provide.

The true beauty of web applications is just that they work in browser, which is built-in in any OS.

  • 2 months later...

procedure TUniForm5.UniButton5Click(Sender: TObject);



frReport1.LoadFromFile(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0)) + '\pr.frf');


pdffilename := RandomStr(true, true, true, 8);

frReport1.ExportTo(frllPDFExport1, UniServerModule.TempFolderURL +

pdffilename + '.pdf');



'function bulkpdfPrint(srcFiles)'+


' var pdf = document.getElementById("createPDF");'+

' if (pdf != undefined && pdf != null)'+

' {'+//判断pdf对象是否存在,如果存在就删除该对象

' var parentNode = pdf.parentNode;'+

' parentNode.removeChild(pdf);'+

' }'+

' var p = document.createElement("object");'+

' p.id = "createPDF";'+

' p.classid = "CLSID:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000";'+

' p.width = 1;'+

' p.height = 1;'+

' p.src = srcFiles;'+

' document.body.appendChild(p);'+

' p.printAll();'+


'bulkpdfPrint("'+UniSession.URL+UniServerModule.TempFolderURL + pdffilename + '.pdf'+'");'//打印PDF



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