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Hi Mr. Farshad


I want to use ISAPI project but always show me "Server unavailable, please try later".


Can you tell me where is my problem, please.


Best Regards

  • Administrators

Hi Mr. Farshad


I want to use ISAPI project but always show me "Server unavailable, please try later".


Can you tell me where is my problem, please.


I can't say much with this limited information, but perhaps your session crashes before it can send anything to the client. See Log file for any error log.

  • Administrators

Hi, Mr. Farshad


I debug with Firebug and i see server send this request every 1 sec:



Requests come from client not server. I need more info. You can start with a basic project with a blank form and adding features until problem starts.


Most of ISAPI issues come from access to system resources which are not accessible from IIS built-in account.


Requests come from client not server. I need more info. You can start with a basic project with a blank form and adding features until problem starts.


Most of ISAPI issues come from access to system resources which are not accessible from IIS built-in account.


Hi, Mr. Farshad


I start with basic project and send PM message to you my demo site.


Best Regards

  • Administrators

AFAICT, this way of mapping is not correct. You must first setup a regular URL for your ISAPI module then use Url-Rewriting to redirect it to a user-friendly URL.


Hi, Mr. Farshad


My Definition: I set( *. ) in Request path !





Best Regards


AFAICT, this way of mapping is not correct. You must first setup a regular URL for your ISAPI module then use Url-Rewriting to redirect it to a user-friendly URL.




Hi, Mr. farshad


I did not define any rewrite url !

Only i map my dll with *. or * just this !



Best Regards

  • Administrators

Hi, Mr. farshad


I did not define any rewrite url !


You must use url rewrite to map your ISAPI module to a different URL. First if not already installed, you must install url rewrite module into IIS.


I'm not an expert in url rewriting. You must look at resources in web for proper rules you need to redirect your DLL to a URL.


Hi, Mr. Farshad


But i think this request have a problem :


HandleEvent used in htt*://myserver/GeoTracker.dll/HandleEvent


I think HandleEvent request added into end of ScriptName of URL and it seem must be added in Full URL(Protocol + Host + ScriptName )


So, This is a opinion.


Thank you.


Best Regards

  • Administrators

Hi, Mr. Farshad


But i think this request have a problem :


HandleEvent used in htt*://myserver/GeoTracker.dll/HandleEvent


I think HandleEvent request added into end of ScriptName of URL and it seem must be added in Full URL(Protocol + Host + ScriptName )


Yes, Script Name is missing here as a result of improper URL.

  • Upvote 1

Hi Mr. Farshad


This is very good. Thanks. you use a rewrite url.


But i think this is not a professional job ! all your request send with DLL (See attach.)


I found this problem resource:


In this ExtPascal.pas unit and Line 659 ( TIdExtSession.MethodURI ) this is a Wrong way for relative path of url.

i change this ( for Temporarily. because must me support https too )


Result := 'Http://' + FCurrentRequest.Host + Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;


Can you test it ?


Best Regards



Hi. Mr. Farshad


I test it and work perfect. you can see my demo site.


but this not work for GeoTrack.DLL module or for this




we must be check if Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' then we use this line


Result := 'http://' + FCurrentRequest.Host + Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;




Result := Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;



Best Regards


Hi Mr. Farshad


I change this method and i test it with MyDLL.DLL script name and without MyDLL.DLL and it work good .


function TIdExtSession.MethodURI(AMethodName : string) : string;
var Protocol: String ;
 if AMethodName[1] <> '/' then AMethodName := '/' + AMethodName;
 if (Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' ) or (Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/') then
Protocol := 'http://' ;
If Pos('HTTPS',  FCurrentRequest.RawHTTPCommand) > 0 Then
 	Protocol := 'https://' ;
 	Result := Protocol + FCurrentRequest.Host + StringReplace('/' + Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName, '//' , '/', [rfReplaceAll]);
Result := Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;



Best Regards


Hi Mr. Farshad


I test this functionality many many time, and some times in ISAPI mode Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] equal with AMethodName and cause a same problem,

I change this function source, and test it with VCL mode and ISAPI mode and it seem no problem,


function TIdExtSession.MethodURI(AMethodName : string) : string;
var Protocol: String ;
ScriptName: String;
 ScriptName := StringReplace( Query['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
 if (ScriptName = AMethodName) or (ScriptName = '' )then
Protocol := 'http://' ;
If Pos('HTTPS',  FCurrentRequest.RawHTTPCommand) > 0 Then Protocol := 'https://' ;
Result := Protocol + StringReplace( FCurrentRequest.Host + '/' + AMethodName, '//', '/', [rfReplaceAll]) ;
Result := StringReplace( Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/' + AMethodName, '//', '/', [rfReplaceAll] );


Best Regards

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