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Message from: "Javan_Soft"


I finished my first Database program with GUI

1) This program using SDAC for connectiong to database

2) I using Sqlserver2000 in a network

3) some problem

3-1) I cant using gray properties in web. thats means i have to find way to

simulate for solving problem

3-2) Master/detail not support in web section but works normally in base


3-3) problem to using Inputquery and another dialogs

3-4) data refresh has problem. i have to refresh all records to see the data


3-5) RTL not support (Its make sad)


i wish i can buy a full version with all of this items and using it in my

next project.







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Javan_Soft" wrote in message


>I finished my first Database program with GUI

> 1) This program using SDAC for connectiong to database

> 2) I using Sqlserver2000 in a network

> 3) some problem

> 3-1) I cant using gray properties in web. thats means i have to find way

> to simulate for solving problem


Yes, they're colored as gray to indicate that they're not implemented on Web

side. Some of them will be implemented in future versions some of them will


What are those properties you need for Web?


> 3-2) Master/detail not support in web section but works normally in base

> program


That's a uniDBGrid issue and will be fixed in next version.


> 3-3) problem to using Inputquery and another dialogs

> 3-4) data refresh has problem. i have to refresh all records to see the

> data change


You mean in UniDBGrid?


> 3-5) RTL not support (Its make sad)



Ext JS deosn't natively support RTL. It may be supported in of the new

versions. There are 3rd parties for Ext JS to add RTL support.

I investigate it.


> i wish i can buy a full version with all of this items and using it in my

> next project.


Thanks for your interest. Hopefully, future versions will address many of

above issues.







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