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Message from: "Junior/RO"


It would be nice if unigui.com have a kind of wiki to we write about some properties of components and gotchas.


I want to know more about ServerModule and MainModule:

- Where change the "New applicaton" title of the page?

- How to change the port to serve?

- Where to read to know more about this two?



Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?




Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"



> It would be nice if unigui.com have a kind of wiki to we write about some

> properties of components and gotchas.



Right. Comprehensive docs will be availabe once library core is settled.



> I want to know more about ServerModule and MainModule:



ServerModule is created once per server and i global to all sessions.

MainModule is created for each session and private.


Data aware components should be placed on MainModule. You can create

additional DataModules from uniGUI Project Wizard.


> - Where change the "New applicaton" title of the page?




> - How to change the port to serve?










Message from: "Junior/RO"


Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


> > - Where change the "New applicaton" title of the page?


> UniServerModule->Title


> > - How to change the port to serve?


> UniServerModule->Port


Where should I change this properties?


I have tried with no results:



procedure TUniServerModule.FirstInit;



Self.Title := 'My cool title;

Self.Port := 80;





Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?




Message from: "Junior/RO"


Junior/RO escreveu:


> I have tried with no results:


I have tried here to (ServerModule.pas):


function UniServerModule: TUniServerModule;


Result := TUniServerModule(UniGUIServerInstance);



And the debugger tells me that this code will never be reached.



Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?




Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Junior/RO" wrote in message


> Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


>> > - Where change the "New applicaton" title of the page?


>> UniServerModule->Title


>> > - How to change the port to serve?


>> UniServerModule->Port


> Where should I change this properties?


> I have tried with no results:



> procedure TUniServerModule.FirstInit;

> begin

> InitServerModule(Self);

> Self.Title := 'My cool title;

> Self.Port := 80;

> end;




You can change them in Object Inspector. Do you need to change them at







Message from: "Junior/RO"


Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


> You can change them in Object Inspector. Do you need to change them at runtime?


I have created my projects using your application wizard. I think that it is only source code, don't have components to change. Please tell me if I am wrong.



Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?




Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Junior/RO" wrote in message


> Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


>> You can change them in Object Inspector. Do you need to change them at

>> runtime?


> I have created my projects using your application wizard. I think that it

> is only source code, don't have components to change. Please tell me if I

> am wrong.


> --


You have ServerModule in your project which has a visible DataModule Form.

After opening it in IDE you can see all properties in the object inspector.






Message from: "Junior/RO"


Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


> You have ServerModule in your project which has a visible DataModule Form.

> After opening it in IDE you can see all properties in the object inspector.


I can see now. I am a Delphi 7 programmer, Delphi 2010 is new to me :o)


It's working now. Thanks again.



Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?



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