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It is possible to do this


procedure AskAsConfirmationA(const aMsg: String; aCallBack: TUniDialogCallBackAnonProc); inline;
 MessageDlg(aMsg, mtConfirmation, [mbYes,mbNo], aCallBack);




Have you tested it?


Yes, of course and it does not work. I have a unit with some "proxy" functions or procedures to avoid write some parameters for example:


procedure AskAsConfirmation(const aMsg: String; aCallBack: TXXXXX); inline;
procedure AskAsError(const aMsg: String; aCallBack: TXXXXX); inline;
procedure ShowWarning(....


and so on.


They are inline procedures, so they do not generate extra "call codes", just to avoid write [mbYes, mbNo], mtWarning or mtConfirmation and so on all the time. Just for commodity.


In this case it does not work.


Prueba de Anonymous Proc.rar


Your test case works perfectly in XE.


Then, I have to migrate from 2009 TO XE. ja ajajajaj. Let's see in the near future. It is not a a big reason, but is one more.

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