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Hi all.


I dont understand what id do wrong with configuration :(


Here is Apache configuration:


LoadModule isapi_module modules/mod_isapi.so

AddHandler isapi-handler .dll


<Directory "C:/Melisa/WebServer">

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all



Alias /Melisa "C:/Melisa/WebServer"



Now I build simple test application "Melisa.dll" with all default settings, with one form and with one button.

Dll file I put in "C:/Melisa/WebServer"


In "C:/Melisa/WebServer" directory I also copy "ext-3.3.0" directory from uniGUI instalation.


Now I open in browser my application "http://localhost/Melisa/Melisa.dll",

and get blue page with one line "Loading..." and nothing more.


I try to set in server module also full path to Ext directory, but get the same effect :(


When I start my application in Apache error.log I get this:

File does not exist: C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/melisa, referer: http://localhost/Melisa/Melisa.dll


But Melisa.dll ir realy loaded by Apache, because I cannot delete it without Apache restart.


When I look in IE concole i see:


SCRIPT5009: 'Ext' is undefined

Melisa.dll, line 26 character 1


Line 26 contain:



I think that no js is loaded into browser bu WHY ????



When I with the same Apache configuration, in directory "C:/Melisa/WebServer" copy dll built

with "Delphi + Atozed Intraweb" for IIS, all work fine.


Apache 2.2

Browser FireFox 6.0.2 And IE 9



What do I wrong ?





SCRIPT5009: 'Ext' is undefined

Melisa.dll, line 26 character 1


Apache appears fine. Suspect ExtRoot is not set. Have you changed RootServer ?




1. copy the full folder from where you installed just to make sure \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI., I keep my folder outside and set ExtRoot to '..\ext-3.3.0'


2. If your running on the same computer as compiling what happens when it is ExtRoot [Ext]


3. You could compile as Executable into same location and use Windows to debug/verify paths etc.



I still have the same problem and dont understand whats wrong:(


Apache instalation path: c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2

uniGUI instalation path: c:\Program Files\uniGUI

Path where is my Melisa.dll library: c:\Melisa\WebServer


I have to try all combinations of paths:

ServerRoot := "c:\Melisa\WebServer\"

ServerRoot := "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\"


ExtRoot := "c:\Program Files\uniGUI\uniGUI\ext-3.3.0\"

ExtRoot := "c:\Melisa\WebServer\ext-3.3.0\"

ExtRoot := "[ext]\"



And in any combination of this paths I still get in browser only one line: "Loading...",

and error: SCRIPT5009: 'Ext' is undefined, Melisa.dll, line 26 character 1


Line 26 contain:





When I build new project as aplication with default settings all work fine.

Application Ext javascripts load from uniGUI directory,

but there is one strange thing - in uniGUI instalation I rename "ext-3.3.0" folder to "ext-3.3.0_xxx", then start

application and in browser all starts fine, but when i refresh page,

I get the same error: Line: 26, Error: 'Ext' is undefined


I understand - server not found "ext-3.3.0" folder, but from where it load ext when

I start application in browser at first time ?



Help, help, help !!!! :)







Have you tried with an empty ExtRoot (:= '')?


I had some trouble with 'Ext is not defined' as well, and I solved it by placing the 'ext-3.3.0' directly in the root folder, while keeping the ExtRoot empty.

(My setup is simple, so my RootFolder property is empty as well).


It also did not work if the Ext folder had another name than the standard 'ext-3.3.0'.

So it seems it does not always work, even when you use an absolute path.


Hi all.

I change now dll location to shorther path.

Now my dll location is: c:\web\melisa.dll

I copy ext directory to c:\web.

Now ext location is c:\web\ext-3.3.0

Apache version: 2.2.21


ExtRoot = ext-3.3.0\

ServerRoot = Empty


Apache configuration:


<Directory "C:/Web">

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all



Alias /Web "C:/Web"



Still nothing work :( :( :(


In IE still get error: 'Ext' is undefined


I very like uniGUI, but have no ideas more WFF is wrong :(




  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Hi all.

I change now dll location to shorther path.

Now my dll location is: c:\web\melisa.dll

I copy ext directory to c:\web.

Now ext location is c:\web\ext-3.3.0

Apache version: 2.2.21


ExtRoot = ext-3.3.0\

ServerRoot = Empty


Apache configuration:


Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


Alias /Web "C:/Web"



Still nothing work :( :( :(


In IE still get error: 'Ext' is undefined


I very like uniGUI, but have no ideas more WFF is wrong :(





Have you copied all Ext JS files to ext-3.3.0 folder?

i.e. what are the content of your ext-3.3.0 folder?


Have you copied all Ext JS files to ext-3.3.0 folder?

i.e. what are the content of your ext-3.3.0 folder?


Hi Farshad

From my previous post:

>>I change now dll location to shorther path.

>>Now my dll location is: c:\web\melisa.dll

>>I copy ext directory to c:\web.

>>Now ext location is c:\web\ext-3.3.0


Under \ext-3.3.0 are all files and subdirectories with all files as

in ..\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-3.3.0




  • 2 weeks later...

OK. It seems to be related to an issue which is already fixed.




Use all lowercase letters in Alias:


Alias /web "C:/Web"                                

Thanks Farshad, now all work fine :)



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