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How to write Code to Open new browser windows in UniButton Onclick event

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Hello !!!


The OnClick event of Buttons and other compoment refers to process in the server. For the clients process you have to use ClientEvents to do that.


ClientEvents - ExtEvents - Onclick:


function Onclick(sender)



I use it for Buttons and Labels too and works.


Hello !!!


The OnClick event of Buttons and other compoment refers to process in the server. For the clients process you have to use ClientEvents to do that.


ClientEvents - ExtEvents - Onclick:


function Onclick(sender)



I use it for Buttons and Labels too and works.



Thank you for your reply. I wonder the 'url' must be predefined, isn't it? Is it possible to do something on the server in the onclick event such as dynamic creating pdf file and store it on the server. Then create the clientevent and replace 'url' to point to the location that we just create the pdf file. My purpose is just want to have the onclick button to work as the sequence like follow.

1. Generate the PDF

2. Send the generated PDF to the client by open the new window at the client side

  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...


I coming up with the same problem. I have a Form with a button on it.  On OnClick Event of the button, i wrote something like:

Procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  UniSession.AddJS('window.open("http://www.plotjet.ch/exp/exp.dll?SessionID="' + SessionID + ',"_blank","");');

The problem is, that on each browser i try open a new browser window, the popup blocker occurs. Internet says, that is ok because i call the window.open in a answer of a ajax call. I this case, popup blocker will occur.

So for test i write that in the ExtEvents Ext.button.Button.click event:

function click(sender, e, eOpts)

That works well, no popup blocker comes up. But i have to do lot more work before i can call window.open. I have to ask a webservice for a sessionID and have to give this SessionID somehow to the ExtEvent Click function.


What would be the way to do that?

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