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Hi all,

How do i can to make a word wrap like an insertion of newline(#10) or CR(#13) to text was displayed by using ShowMessage and MessageDlg functions?


You can use "<br/>" that is the CR for the web. I use the following format:


procedure ShowMessageWithAdInfo( const aMsg, aAdInfo: String );
  ShowMessage(aError + '<br/><div align="center"> with the additional info:</div><br/>' + aAdInfo);


It works good for the web mode. So if you need it for both mode you have to check the mode and use CrLf or <br/>


PS: The <div> is used to center the middle message.


BTW, and this is for Farshad or other that know about it:


When I use MessageDlg with mtError, mtConfirmation, mtXXXX, appear a specific icon together with the message in VCL applications. It must appear in web applications??? Just to know.


I was checking my previous reply and I found that when you call MessageDlg with that the message dialog appear good, but after first time the dialog appear so small and the text is wordwrapped vertically. Why???? What is wrong????


At the same time the CallBack Proc is not working.

25.1- Error en los Mensajes.rar


You can use "<br/>" that is the CR for the web. I use the following format:


procedure ShowMessageWithAdInfo( const aMsg, aAdInfo: String );
  ShowMessage(aError + '<br/><div align="center"> with the additional info:</div><br/>' + aAdInfo);


It works good for the web mode. So if you need it for both mode you have to check the mode and use CrLf or <br/>


PS: The <div> is used to center the middle message.

Thank you. :)

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