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  • Administrators

Farshad, I think that you forgot to mention about compression in this 0.86 post.


I'm sure that I've forgotten many other things too. :)


Today I was quite busy and couldn't focus on details. Tomorrow I will revise blog post and make necessary additions.


The following code is not a bug

procedure TuSaleTotalFrame.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
 UniChart1.Title.Text.Text := '测试数据11';
 Series1 := TUniBarSeries.Create(UniChart1);
 Series1.Add(200, '1');
 Series1.Add(210, '2');
 Series1.Add(220, '3');
 Series1.Add(190, '4');
 Series1.Add(280, '5');


uniChart How to load dynamically?

  • Administrators

The following code is not a bug

procedure TuSaleTotalFrame.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
 UniChart1.Title.Text.Text := '测试数据11';
 Series1 := TUniBarSeries.Create(UniChart1);
 Series1.Add(200, '1');
 Series1.Add(210, '2');
 Series1.Add(220, '3');
 Series1.Add(190, '4');
 Series1.Add(280, '5');


uniChart How to load dynamically?


You can assign data to series dynamically, but Series itself should be created in design time.

  • Administrators

Build 889 uploaded.


- 0001100: Form Icon is Visible when biSystemMenu is not set

- 0001059: Call CallBack for all dialog types

- 0001113: For touch enabled devices touch events replace mouse events.

- 0001108: VCL: TabStop problem when control parant is TUniTabSheet.

- 0001106: Critical bug when adding cutsom files

- 0001107: UniGUISession.AddCustomFile property

- 0001105: TUniDBGrid.Refresh method implemented (Workaround for issue 0000882)

- 0001097: Google Maps sample

- 0001020: Custom meta tags.

- 0001104: UniGUIServerModule.CustomCSS property

- 0001093: Proper handling of "//" in JS code

- 0001095: UniRadioButton: Change Caption at runtime

- 0001089: DateTime conversion issues when system date format is M/d/yyyy

- 0001088: UniCalendarPanel: Date change doesn't reflect hidden views

- 0000965: Error when OS date fomatUniDateTimePicker.DateFormat

- 0001086: UniDBGrid: Column count is zero immediately after DataSet.Open

- 0001085: UniDBGrid: Auto column creation logic improved

- 0001084: TUniSpeedButton Click bug

- 0001082: TUniForm: Property MonitorScreenResize added

- 0001078: DblClick event for additional controls implemented

- 0000538: UniDBGrid: Resized columns are reset when grid is refreshed.

- 0001076: Option to remove UniDBGrid thin column on the left (dgIndicator)

- 0001064: UniDBGrid: Change UniColumn.Title.Caption after Columns are created

- 0001077: UniDBGrid: Change Column.Width at runtime.

- 0000591: Cursor property for web

- 0000966: TUniImage: OnMouseOver event

- 0001062: Destroying UniControl doesn not destroy child UniFrames

- 0001065: TUniDBDateTimePicker: Bug when Dataset is closed.

- 0001068: TUniChart moved to a separate package

- 0001071: Calling server side event handlers from client side ajax request

- 0001070: Integration of Ext JS events in TUniControl and TUniComponent

- 0001069: Advanced IDE support for client side event scripting

- 0001072: Delete Form/Frame JS objects after destroy

- 0001074: Extended Mouse and Click events for all Controls

- 0001073: UniCalendarPanel: OnDayClick in DayView bug

- Four new demos: ClientEvents-1, ClientEvents-2, ClientEvents-3, ClientEvents-4

- New Demo GoogleMaps


Build 889 uploaded.


- 0001100: Form Icon is Visible when biSystemMenu is not set

- 0001059: Call CallBack for all dialog types

- 0001113: For touch enabled devices touch events replace mouse events.

- 0001108: VCL: TabStop problem when control parant is TUniTabSheet.

- 0001106: Critical bug when adding cutsom files

- 0001107: UniGUISession.AddCustomFile property

- 0001105: TUniDBGrid.Refresh method implemented (Workaround for issue 0000882)

- 0001097: Google Maps sample

- 0001020: Custom meta tags.

- 0001104: UniGUIServerModule.CustomCSS property

- 0001093: Proper handling of "//" in JS code

- 0001095: UniRadioButton: Change Caption at runtime

- 0001089: DateTime conversion issues when system date format is M/d/yyyy

- 0001088: UniCalendarPanel: Date change doesn't reflect hidden views

- 0000965: Error when OS date fomat<>UniDateTimePicker.DateFormat

- 0001086: UniDBGrid: Column count is zero immediately after DataSet.Open

- 0001085: UniDBGrid: Auto column creation logic improved

- 0001084: TUniSpeedButton Click bug

- 0001082: TUniForm: Property MonitorScreenResize added

- 0001078: DblClick event for additional controls implemented

- 0000538: UniDBGrid: Resized columns are reset when grid is refreshed.

- 0001076: Option to remove UniDBGrid thin column on the left (dgIndicator)

- 0001064: UniDBGrid: Change UniColumn.Title.Caption after Columns are created

- 0001077: UniDBGrid: Change Column.Width at runtime.

- 0000591: Cursor property for web

- 0000966: TUniImage: OnMouseOver event

- 0001062: Destroying UniControl doesn not destroy child UniFrames

- 0001065: TUniDBDateTimePicker: Bug when Dataset is closed.

- 0001068: TUniChart moved to a separate package

- 0001071: Calling server side event handlers from client side ajax request

- 0001070: Integration of Ext JS events in TUniControl and TUniComponent

- 0001069: Advanced IDE support for client side event scripting

- 0001072: Delete Form/Frame JS objects after destroy

- 0001074: Extended Mouse and Click events for all Controls

- 0001073: UniCalendarPanel: OnDayClick in DayView bug

- Four new demos: ClientEvents-1, ClientEvents-2, ClientEvents-3, ClientEvents-4

- New Demo GoogleMaps



Thank you very much.....Farshad. By the way, where is your name from ?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Administrators

we are hunger for your non-bata release,specially, if you have some functions, it will make more early decsion to have your product.

1.Tree Greed function

2.Group function




sample like



Due some unexpected events there has been a delay for non-beta release but everything will be back on track soon.


Please specify your requests in "Survey thread".

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