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Hi Farshad,


I need to specify an object (UniPanel) concatenating strings in JS. I tried following in run-time, but without success, everything is ok, only the last statement does not work, because he does not understand 'UniPanel+usuid':


UniImage1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['onclick'] = 'onclick function (sender)' +

'{var usuid = Main.UniPanel1.UsuId;' +

' Main.UniPanel1.UsuId =' + IntToStr (UsuId) + ';' +

' Main'. UniImage1.Parent.Name + '. body.applyStyles(' + QuotedStr('background-color: #FDEDE3')+');'

' Main'. + 'UniPanel+usuid' + '. body.applyStyles(' + QuotedStr('background-color: #FDFCFB')+');'




In the last statement, the translation will be for example "Main.UniPanel2.body.apply...", where in this example the value of "usuid" variable = 2.

How to perform the concatenation correctly for him to find the object?



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