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I use the 'Static Map' API to display a map whilst browsing through a table/query containing postcode data.

A TuniUrlFrame (urlMap below) takes care of the drawing.

2 checkboxes (chkRoad, chkSat) allow the user to select the type of view



procedure TfrmCustBrow.drawmap(centre,zoom : string);


imgW,imgH, MapType : string;


imgW := inttostr(urlMap.width);

imgH := inttostr(urlMap.height);

if (chkRoad.Checked) and (chkSat.Checked) then

MapType := 'hybrid'


if chkRoad.Checked then MapType := 'roadmap'


if chkSat.Checked then Maptype := 'satellite'


Maptype := 'terrain';


urlMap.URL := 'http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/api/staticmap?center=' + Custpcode +

'&zoom=' + zoom + '&size=' + imgW +'x'+ imgH +'&maptype=' + MapType + '&sensor=false&markers=color:Red|' + Custpcode;



Zoom is controlled by a TUniTrackBar


procedure TfrmCustBrow.trckZoomChange(Sender: TObject);






For more functionality - like routeing I use a full URLwindow (frmMap1 in the example) display

with a start address (sStartAdd) and destination address (custPcode) defined


Procedure TfrmCustBrow.btnMapClick(Sender: TObject);


with frmMap1 do


urlframe.URL := 'http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=' + sStartAdd + '&daddr=' + custPcode;






I expect lots of clever stuff is possible using the full mapping API but these 2 methods provide some useful stuff and are very easy to implement.

- Google do impose a 'fair usage' limit on the Static API calls. If you have 10000 postcodes and browse up and down the list plotting each in turn you will find they stop providing data for a bit.


Hope this helps




Thank you HarryG for your answer,


This is good for putting Google Map in Frame, very good idea.


But how can i use Google Maps futures!?


Such as: Add Marker, Add Line, Get Zoomed Event, ...


Thank you very much again for answering.


Best Regards


Babak Yaghoobi


I next build I will add a Google maps demo based on TUniHTMLFrame.


Very Very Thank you Mr. Farshad.


Please add DrawLine and AddMarker with Marker ID for moving markers on map.


Thank again.


Best Regards

Babak Yaghoobi


Hi Mr. Farshad


I write in JavaScript meny future OF Google Map, but i dont know how can i use in uniGUI,

and how can i send command to JavaScript


i attached Google Map AddMarker and Drawing API.


Best Regards



Hi, Mr. Farshad


This is the best Class for display Google Map with many futures:

addMarker, addMarkers, addPolyline, createInfoWindow, clearMarkers, showMarkers, hideMarkers, addMapControls, getCenter


and Events: onMapReady, onResize




This project have a two file Ext.ux.GMapPanel.js and Ext.ux.GMapPanel3.js that

Ext.ux.GMapPanel3.js file work with Ext.3.3


Thank you


Best Regards

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Well, I will not add a full featured Google Maps component. It is beyond our scope. In future we may add such components but for now we need to take care of more important tasks.

Google maps is one of hundreds of things that can be done on client side using Ext JS and client events. I will try to create a demo and leave the rest of exercise to the developers.




If you will give us a base class for develope uniGUI components we help you for develope meny components and add in uniGUI and share with other developers.( Such as Delphi )


Thank you,

Best Regards

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