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how to pass between form and form parameters, such as the a.php in php and b.php two pages, a.php can be placed b.php? id = 123 link, the parameters passed to the b.php 123


how to pass between form and form parameters, such as the a.php in php and b.php two pages, a.php can be placed b.php? id = 123 link, the parameters passed to the b.php 123


Why not just use the form directly :


procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
 ChildForm.UniLabel1.Caption := 'Directly set';


Remember.. thanks to Farshads hard work, Unigui applications are properly statefull, I think a lot of people forget that.

Its not as efficient as passing parameters between static/pseudo-dynamic pages but its a damn side easier to manage.


how to pass between form and form parameters, such as the a.php in php and b.php two pages, a.php can be placed b.php? id = 123 link, the parameters passed to the b.php 123



Just like in a ordinary Delphi form:


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(...);
 Form2.ExecuteMyCommand(param1, param2, param3);

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uniGUI apps are SPI applications (Single Page Interface). There are many Forms but only one Page. You can only send parameters when application starts from initial URL.


You can create Forms at run time with any parameter you like. Can you explain further?

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