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Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Junior/RO" wrote in message


> Hi Farshad.


> I was reading this slides, where the author writes about how to choose a

> web framework. He is talking about Java, but all arguments tells me that

> using the Unigui approach is the way to go.


> http://www.examville.com/examville/How%20To%20Choose%20A%20Web%20Framework%20and%20be%20Surprised-ID7243


Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.

As far as I understand, ItsNat is uniGUI for Java. :)


I fully agree that future of web app development is server side coding not

client side coding.






Message from: "zilav"


Well, I tried Vaadin before, and all I can say that author is 80% wrong

about it. I never ever used a java in my life, but it took me 2 days to read

docs and write DB app with dbgrid and modal form to edit it, in a

frame-driven UI (vaadin folks call then layouts). I used Scala instead of

java, and jtds to communicate with MSSQL. It works, looks cute, has themes,

easy enough, tons of components, can design ui programmatically or with

templates (xml, html you call it), supports custom components, have a client

push mechanism (unlike unigui), and much more. So why do I chose UniGUI?

Answer is simple - if you are not working with DB through ORM in Java,

prepare to feel the major pain. I'm only using SQL stored procedures without

direct table interaction, and jdbc (jtds for mssql) is awful in this regard.

50% of my code was devoted to get/set/move data with jtds and forms/grids,

while in Delphi with ADO and some support components like EhLib it is 10%. I

prefer to think on my apps logic, then on nuisances of db access.

And by the way Delphi >> JVM languages (Java, Scala, Groovy etc), just my

humble opinion.


The whole purpose of that presentation is dissing other frameworks without

much knowledge of their pros and cons, very unprofessional.





Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


I have some experience with Oracle ADF. It is a solid framework with a

decent Form designer. But it is Oracle which means price will be huge. Of

course, for me nothing can beat Delphi + uniGUI. :)


"zilav" wrote in message


> Well, I tried Vaadin before, and all I can say that author is 80% wrong

> about it. I never ever used a java in my life, but it took me 2 days to

> read docs and write DB app with dbgrid and modal form to edit it, in a

> frame-driven UI (vaadin folks call then layouts). I used Scala instead of

> java, and jtds to communicate with MSSQL. It works, looks cute, has

> themes, easy enough, tons of components, can design ui programmatically or

> with templates (xml, html you call it), supports custom components, have a

> client push mechanism (unlike unigui), and much more. So why do I chose

> UniGUI?

> Answer is simple - if you are not working with DB through ORM in Java,

> prepare to feel the major pain. I'm only using SQL stored procedures

> without direct table interaction, and jdbc (jtds for mssql) is awful in

> this regard. 50% of my code was devoted to get/set/move data with jtds and

> forms/grids, while in Delphi with ADO and some support components like

> EhLib it is 10%. I prefer to think on my apps logic, then on nuisances of

> db access.

> And by the way Delphi >> JVM languages (Java, Scala, Groovy etc), just my

> humble opinion.


> The whole purpose of that presentation is dissing other frameworks without

> much knowledge of their pros and cons, very unprofessional.







Message from: "zilav"


> for me nothing can beat Delphi + uniGUI. :)


Not only for you :)

Make it 64-bit cross-platform (linux) in future, and every other frawework

can die. The One framework to rule them all :)




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