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Hi Farshad,


In the older version of uniGui i was using something like this function for restarting the "Stand Alone Server".


function RestApp: Boolean;
 FullProgPath: PAnsiChar;
 FullProgPath := PAnsIChar(Application.ExeName);
 WinExec(FullProgPath, SW_SHOW);
 Result := True;


Now i'm trying to shutdown the engine and no luck. Do you have a trick or am i missing something.


Thank you for your answer.




Yes. But your question suggests its not possible. :rolleyes:

I looked on my older project and i saw that i was using a normal form before running uniGui form. Other way is it not possible?

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Restarting a "live server" can be a complex task. There can many active requests at the time you want to restart it. Such a task should be implemented internally using methods that are directly coupled with server engine.


I log an issue for it: #1024


Thank you Farshad.


Only for explanation why i need it. Its for a configuration windows of the engine and database like ado or mysql. By pushing the "save" button the server save the config to registry or file and restart it self. Be ruining its detect that there is configuration and use it.

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