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I'm evaluating uniGui for web and vcl development.

Obviously, drawing comparisons to Intraweb. Are there simple instructions on how to test an Isapi Dll .

I've created a simple form with a single button on it and have moved the files to a windows Virtual server

where i currently run an Intraweb dll. My form sits their with a "loading form .. " message on the screen.

1) What am I missing?

2) Is there a quick way to swap units in order to create an isapi app from a standalone VCL app?

  • Administrators

I'm evaluating uniGui for web and vcl development.

Obviously, drawing comparisons to Intraweb. Are there simple instructions on how to test an Isapi Dll .




Here there is an article regarding deployment. It can be a bit out-dated for IIS 7.


I've created a simple form with a single button on it and have moved the files to a windows Virtual server

where i currently run an Intraweb dll. My form sits their with a "loading form .. " message on the screen.

1) What am I missing?


Probably you haven't deployed Ext JS files to the server. You must copy the ext-3.3.0 folder to server and adjust the ExtRoot property in application ServerModule. See section Adjusting Paths in above link.


2) Is there a quick way to swap units in order to create an isapi app from a standalone VCL app?


You can create a Combo ISAPI/Standalone app and simply swiitch from Standalone to ISAPI (or vice versa) by commenting/uncommenting first line of project file.



{$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module

{$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL}                                  	




Here there is an article regarding deployment. It can be a bit out-dated for IIS 7.




Probably you haven't deployed Ext JS files to the server. You must copy the ext-3.3.0 folder to server and adjust the ExtRoot property in application ServerModule. See section Adjusting Paths in above link.




You can create a Combo ISAPI/Standalone app and simply swiitch from Standalone to ISAPI (or vice versa) by commenting/uncommenting first line of project file.



{$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module

{$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL}                                  	


Thanks for the quick reply.

The combo vcl comment was perfect.


Now I've created a new simple app with a button.

Runs fine as an exe

Remark out 1st line and created an Isapi.


moved file to server including Ext JS.

1) tried Ext JS with a Ext-3.3.0 subfolder...no luck

2) copied the Exe-3.3 files to a plain \Ext subfolder..no luck

3) copied the above to the application root and remarked out the ext folder no luck

All i see is the default "loading.." message



Am I missing anything else?

  • Administrators

Thanks for the quick reply.

The combo vcl comment was perfect.


Now I've created a new simple app with a button.

Runs fine as an exe

Remark out 1st line and created an Isapi.


moved file to server including Ext JS.

1) tried Ext JS with a Ext-3.3.0 subfolder...no luck

2) copied the Exe-3.3 files to a plain \Ext subfolder..no luck

3) copied the above to the application root and remarked out the ext folder no luck

All i see is the default "loading.." message



Am I missing anything else?


Copy the ext-3.3.0 folder to the folder your isapi module resides. (don't rename the folder)

In ServerModule set the ExtRoot parameter to ext-x.y.z\ (You can select it from drop down)


If you copy Ext JS files to another folder, say c:\extjs\ext-3.3.0\ then ExtRoot should be either c:\extjs\ext-x.y.z\ or c:\extjs\ext-3.3.0\

If you copy Ext JS files to a renamed folder, say c:\extjs\ext3\ then ExtRoot should be exactly same value as full path: c:\extjs\ext3\


It should be enough to make it work.


Copy the ext-3.3.0 folder to the folder your isapi module resides. (don't rename the folder)

In ServerModule set the ExtRoot parameter to ext-x.y.z\ (You can select it from drop down)


If you copy Ext JS files to another folder, say c:\extjs\ext-3.3.0\ then ExtRoot should be either c:\extjs\ext-x.y.z\ or c:\extjs\ext-3.3.0\

If you copy Ext JS files to a renamed folder, say c:\extjs\ext3\ then ExtRoot should be exactly same value as full path: c:\extjs\ext3\


It should be enough to make it work.




That did it, or rather, I missed the adapter folder beneath Ext-3.3.0 ( i think ).

Thanks..this look very interesting.


That did it, or rather, I missed the adapter folder beneath Ext-3.3.0 ( i think ).

Thanks..this look very interesting.




I'd like to load a cds file into a dataset when the isapi app starts.

I currently extract the application startup path and append the cds file name.

Is there such a mechanism i can use ?

  • Administrators

I'd like to load a cds file into a dataset when the isapi app starts.

I currently extract the application startup path and append the cds file name.

Is there such a mechanism i can use ?


Please see FishFacts demo. It loads fish data from a CDS file.


Please see FishFacts demo. It loads fish data from a CDS file.



Ok, I found startpath. that works.

Now, a dbgrid with a simple dataset looks fine as an EXE.

However, when moved to a dll and run from a Virtual Windows IIS7 environment,

I get a blank white window in the upperleft corner( proably the server module?), then the data spills out all over a piece of the page..little buttons show up where there should be column titles.

In short: it's a mess.


Is there a simple text based tutorial to explain to a newbie how to do a basic data-driven app.


I'm sure that these problems are related to property settings somewhere but there is no documentation.

Maybe it's too early in the development cycle for someone of my limited talents .


Ok, I found startpath. that works.

Now, a dbgrid with a simple dataset looks fine as an EXE.

However, when moved to a dll and run from a Virtual Windows IIS7 environment,

I get a blank white window in the upperleft corner( proably the server module?), then the data spills out all over a piece of the page..little buttons show up where there should be column titles.

In short: it's a mess.


Is there a simple text based tutorial to explain to a newbie how to do a basic data-driven app.


I'm sure that these problems are related to property settings somewhere but there is no documentation.

Maybe it's too early in the development cycle for someone of my limited talents .

Probably, it seem you needs a new copy of ExtJS at Web Server and full reloaded of page at browser side.

  • Administrators

Ok, I found startpath. that works.

Now, a dbgrid with a simple dataset looks fine as an EXE.

However, when moved to a dll and run from a Virtual Windows IIS7 environment,

I get a blank white window in the upperleft corner( proably the server module?), then the data spills out all over a piece of the page..little buttons show up where there should be column titles.

In short: it's a mess.


Is there a simple text based tutorial to explain to a newbie how to do a basic data-driven app.


I'm sure that these problems are related to property settings somewhere but there is no documentation.

Maybe it's too early in the development cycle for someone of my limited talents .


There are no more settings required for ISAPI deployment except those required for IIS.


Well, when ıt comes to IIS there are security issues which prevents program from accessing all resources. It restricts you to IUSR and IUSR_IWAM accounts' privileges. If you need to access a folder or file for read/write access then you must grant it to IUSR account.


Can you send a screen shot of garbled web browser screen?

  • Administrators

Ok, I found startpath. that works.

Now, a dbgrid with a simple dataset looks fine as an EXE.

However, when moved to a dll and run from a Virtual Windows IIS7 environment,

I get a blank white window in the upperleft corner( proably the server module?), then the data spills out all over a piece of the page..little buttons show up where there should be column titles.

In short: it's a mess.


It seems some CSS files are missing. That's why you get a garbled screen. Can you verify that all CSS file in path are loaded? You can do it in FireFox by right clicking and selecting View Source.


<?xml version=1.0?><!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">
<html xmlns=http://www.w3org/1999/xthml>
<title>New Application</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/uni-ext.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script src="ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-sync-1.2.3-min.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/ux-all.js"></script>

<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/xtheme-blue.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css" />
<style>body { background: #004080; }</style>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-unigui-1.2.3-min.js"></script>


In source screen click on CSS file links and verify that they load properly.



It seems some CSS files are missing. That's why you get a garbled screen. Can you verify that all CSS file in path are loaded? You can do it in FireFox by right clicking and selecting View Source.


<?xml version=1.0?><!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">
<html xmlns=http://www.w3org/1999/xthml>
<title>New Application</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/uni-ext.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script src="ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-sync-1.2.3-min.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/ux-all.js"></script>

<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/xtheme-blue.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css" />
<style>body { background: #004080; }</style>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-unigui-1.2.3-min.js"></script>


In source screen click on CSS file links and verify that they load properly.


It usually occurs more often when changing versions of UniGUI, even if in 0.85 series, CSS file problem is certainly.

My simple workaround is copying a new ExtJS that come with new UniGUI installation to ExtJS on server.

  • Administrators

It usually occurs more often when changing versions of UniGUI, even if in 0.85 series, CSS file problem is certainly.

My simple workaround is copying a new ExtJS that come with new UniGUI installation to ExtJS on server.


Yes, that's a requirement to copy the ext folder for each new version.


Yes, that's a requirement to copy the ext folder for each new version.

Absolutely, But it occurred too often between 0.85.0.xxx and

Probably UniGUI custom CSS files are changed(or not?), but it's good to be inform us to known. :)

  • Administrators

Absolutely, But it occurred too often between 0.85.0.xxx and

Probably UniGUI custom CSS files are changed(or not?), but it's good to be inform us to known. :)


CSS files hasn't changed and they do rarely change. Actually, not all new releases change JS files. I will try to inform when there is a change.


CSS files hasn't changed and they do rarely change. Actually, not all new releases change JS files. I will try to inform when there is a change.

Yes, I've tried to check it when problem is occured, sometime they don't changed but display problem is still existed, when new copy of ExtJS was replaced the problem is gone.



It seems some CSS files are missing. That's why you get a garbled screen. Can you verify that all CSS file in path are loaded? You can do it in FireFox by right clicking and selecting View Source.


<?xml version=1.0?><!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">
<html xmlns=http://www.w3org/1999/xthml>
<title>New Application</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/uni-ext.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script src="ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-sync-1.2.3-min.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-all.js"></script>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/ux-all.js"></script>

<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/resources/css/xtheme-blue.css" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css" />
<style>body { background: #004080; }</style>
<script src="ext-3.3.0/ext-unigui-1.2.3-min.js"></script>


In source screen click on CSS file links and verify that they load properly.




/// Here's the source forJS

<html xmlns=http://www.w3org/1999/xthml>


<title>New Application</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" />

<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />

<link rel=stylesheet href="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/uni-ext.css" />

<link rel=stylesheet href="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />

<script src="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>

<script src="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-sync-1.2.1-min.js"></script>

<script src="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-all.js"></script>

<script src="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/ux-all.js"></script>


<link rel=stylesheet href="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/resources/css/xtheme-xp.css" />

<link rel=stylesheet href="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css" />

<style>body { background: #004080; }</style>

<script src="/uniapp/unidll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/ext-unigui-1.2.1-min.js"></script>



There are no more settings required for ISAPI deployment except those required for IIS.


Well, when ıt comes to IIS there are security issues which prevents program from accessing all resources. It restricts you to IUSR and IUSR_IWAM accounts' privileges. If you need to access a folder or file for read/write access then you must grant it to IUSR account.


Can you send a screen shot of garbled web browser screen?



Here's a good/bad shot. Hope you can see it



Here's a good/bad shot. Hope you can see it

what's version of UniGUI you used?

if your app was compiled with 0.85.0, the extjs is outdated.


have you copied the ext-3.3.0 folder to the server with all of its subfolders?



Yes.. Might it have something to do with doing a COMBO app?

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