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Hello everybody:


I just start work with uniGUI in this week. I read it before, but I did not use it, so may be in the near future my questions will be caused by lack of knowledge.


I created a simple project in which I put a button (TUniSpeedButton) with a picture. The image is in BMP format because the Glyph property of the button will not let me use another, yet when the generation for WEB PNG format is generated. In the Windows Application it looks good with transparency, but on the WEB page the background is drawn with the color that supposed to be transparent. My questions are:


1- There is a way to do that, i. e. to obtain transparency for the WEB???


2- Will be possible to use the same color (Pixel Color at (1,1)) for Transparency in the PNG Generation?


3- Will be possible to add property "Transparent Color" for Transparency in the PNG Generation?


4- I noticed that the name of the images created for the buttons always use the same name and are created in the first request to the application and then used in all the remaining requests. Will be possible to use the same name of the button, and put a property in the Main Server Module to specify that do no delete the images??? In this case I can make PNG images by myself with the adecuate transparency.


Best regards, Dionel Acosta


This issue is known an already logged:


0000848: Bitmap transparency display problem for Buttons


This will be fixed in one of the next builds.


Ok, thanks.


Where can I see the "Log of Issues"???




Currently it is not open to public view.


Ok, I asked about because I have other questions and I want to know if they are logged or not????


Hello everybody:


I just start work with uniGUI in this week. I read it before, but I did not use it, so may be in the near future my questions will be caused by lack of knowledge.


I created a simple project in which I put a button (TUniSpeedButton) with a picture. The image is in BMP format because the Glyph property of the button will not let me use another, yet when the generation for WEB PNG format is generated. In the Windows Application it looks good with transparency, but on the WEB page the background is drawn with the color that supposed to be transparent. My questions are:


1- There is a way to do that, i. e. to obtain transparency for the WEB???


2- Will be possible to use the same color (Pixel Color at (1,1)) for Transparency in the PNG Generation?


3- Will be possible to add property "Transparent Color" for Transparency in the PNG Generation?


4- I noticed that the name of the images created for the buttons always use the same name and are created in the first request to the application and then used in all the remaining requests. Will be possible to use the same name of the button, and put a property in the Main Server Module to specify that do no delete the images??? In this case I can make PNG images by myself with the adecuate transparency.


Best regards, Dionel Acosta





Set Pixel Color at (1,1) = clFuchsia, that works for Web Mode as transparent color.


reg. Piotrek

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