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Message from: "Stefano Monterisi"


Great product!

I have no downloaded beta product; I have only see the demo. Great product.

We use delphi from Delphi 1; Now we intend to port all to .net for WEB lack

in Delphi World (a part Intraweb).

But now I discover th product that I have ALWAYS looking for. Please

consider the I (and a lot of Delphi Programmer) have now the opportunity to

remain in Delphi world and manage WEB application.

Please consider a professional use of the product. So I ask you if can plan

advanced grid features (autosearch incrementally, sort in column header,

incremental fetch of data without paging, etc...), etc...

I would pay for obtain a professional solution.

Thanks in advance for attention.

(sorry for english)

Good Job.


Stefano Monterisi

Sesamo Software Spa









Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


Hi Stefano,


Thanks for your post.


> Great product!

> I have no downloaded beta product; I have only see the demo. Great

> product.

> We use delphi from Delphi 1; Now we intend to port all to .net for WEB

> lack in Delphi World (a part Intraweb).

> But now I discover th product that I have ALWAYS looking for. Please

> consider the I (and a lot of Delphi Programmer) have now the opportunity

> to remain in Delphi world and manage WEB application.


I agree, there are not many web tools for Delphi in the market.

uniGUI was born as a result of my own searchs for a tool which can extend a

standard VCL app to a web application.


> Please consider a professional use of the product. So I ask you if can

> plan advanced grid features (autosearch incrementally, sort in column

> header, incremental fetch of data without paging, etc...), etc...


All advanced Grid features will be added to the extent supported by Ext JS.


> I would pay for obtain a professional solution.


Thanks for your support.


> Thanks in advance for attention.

> (sorry for english)

> Good Job.




Farshad Mohajeri






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