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I have oversized content displayed within a UniURLFrame (complete with both Horizontal & Vertical Scrollbars displayed and working as expected). Please advise how I can scroll the displayed content within the UniURLFrame via code at runtime ? //UniURLFrame1.SetXY(1, 1500, nil); // FAILS RENDERS BLANK //UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentDocument.scrollingElement.scrollBy', [1, 1500, False]); // FAILS NOTHING HAPPENS //UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentDocument.scrollingElement.scrollTo(1, 1500)'); // FAILS NOT A FUNCTION //UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentDocument.scrollingElement.scrollTop = 1500'); // FAILS NOT A FUNCTION //UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentWindow.document.scrollingElement.scrollTo', ['top', 1500]); // FAILS NOTHING HAPPENS //UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentWindow.scroll(1, 1500)'); // FAILS NOT A FUNCTION
I have a UrlFrame that is loaded at runtime. In code I want to scroll the contents at runtime, scaling in code works fine, how do I scroll contents in code ? //URLFrame.JSInterface.JSCall('el.setStyle', ['transform', 'scale(0.5)']); // WORKS URLFrame.JSInterface.JSCall('el.setStyle', ['transform', 'scroll(1, 500)']); // FAILS UniSession.AddJS(URLFrame.JSName + '.getTargetEl().scrollBy(1, 500, false);'); // FAILS Please advise - Thanks in advance
Please advise how to "Mobile DBListGrid scroll selected row into view via code" - thanks.
Проект использует Firebird Embedd + FireDAC. Ссылка на тестовый проект (обновил ссылку) (внутри и база, и Firebird 3 embedd). На первом снимке видно, что пагинатор показывает только одну страницу (BufferedStore.Enabled := false). На втором снимке видно, что проект просто зависает (BufferedStore.Enabled := True), при чем, даже если закрыть серверную часть, то в браузере так и висит "загрузка". uniGUI 1543.
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- tunimdbgrid
- bufferstore
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In my project I can set panel setScrollTop and setScrollLeft with the following code - works as expected. RightPanel.JSInterface.JSCall('body.setScrollTop', [0]); TopPanel.JSInterface.JSCall('body.setScrollLeft', [0]); If I understand correctly, to scroll to bottom I will need a 'div' id in the body script as a locator ? As for right ? Please advise with code example how to setScrollBottom and setScrollRight an a panel containing a HTMLFrame ? Thanks in advance
I would like to program a button so that when it is clicked scroll unimscrollbox down to the end.
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- scroll
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В примере на главной (синей) форме нажмите кнопку вверху и откроется проблемная форма. На форме есть компоненты и контейнеры. Есть основная проблема и дополнительная. Основная проблема - это не работает прокрутка формы, хотя свойство Scrolable включено. Видно, что форма становиться меньше экрана и под ней видна главная форма. Вдобавок часть компонентов не видна, в частности контейнер fcPrice. Дополнительная проблема. У формы выбран Layout = vbox (на снимке) и указаны LayoutAttribs такие, чтобы все дочерние компоненты и контейнеры растягивались по ширине, но они не растягиваются. Спасибо.
Subject to user interaction we change the contents of a HTMLFrame (our frame has a pre-specified height):- BeginUpdate Clear script EndUpdate The previous contents were many many lines long forcing the user to scroll to bottom, now that we have new contents I want to reposition to the top. How Can We Force Scroll-To-Top in code ?
Hello, I'm having an issue with the TUniStringGrid component. After I load all the info, and all is working great, I select the first cell of the grid and do scroll down and up fast it generates a blank space, like the image: At first, I thought it was because of my data, so I create an empty project (attached), and the result is the same The only difference is that I have to add some rows first. If anyone could help me, it would be great. Regards UniStringGrid.rar
- 39 replies
- tunistringgird
- scroll
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Olá a todos! Depois de atualizar o Unigui o scroll no URLFrame ficou habilitado onde já temos um scroll com os painéis. Gostaríamos de desativar esse scroll. ATENÇÃO, o erro só apresenta nos sistemas IOS, já no Android não apresenta. Em anexo o vídeo de como tá. Agradeço quem ajudar! WhatsApp Video 2020-11-16 at 20.10.37.mp4
Olá pessoal! Estamos criando no Mobile uma lista de lojas para que possamos selecionar a loja ou as lojas que desejamos. Nessa lista foi usado um scroll + checkbox criados dinamicamente, só que o checkbox ficou do lado esquerdo do texto e queríamos do lado direito. Ficaremos gratos. Obrigado.
When key press over the list box (multiselect and ordered), the item is selected, but the scroll doesn´t move to that item. Ex. Press G words from the keyboard and listbox stays same as before, but, if manually scroll the list until found an item beginning with G, that item seems selected! How move the scroll programatically until the selected item?
- 4 replies
- tunilistbox
- scroll
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Olá pessoal! Estamos com um problema ao colocar um scroll e rolar a pagina para baixo o componente htmlframe fica parado sem rolar junto com os demais elementos. Link para o vídeo mostrando o erro --- > Agradecemos quem poder ajudar!
At runtime I am setting the selected node however this node maybe not be in the visible area of the treeview as the treeview may contains a lot of items. How can I scroll the treeview so the selected node is visible?
Hello how to solve scroll in unihtmlframe after pressing the down arrow key? OnKeyDown works on a uniform but how do you pass it to unihtmlframe ??
- 4 replies
- unihtmlframe
- keyboard
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How do I set the scroll position of UniHTMLFrame?
Hello guys! We have a problem when putting a scroll and scrolling the page down the htmlframe component stands still without scrolling along with the other elements. Link to the video showing the error ---> We appreciate who can help!
Hi all, I would like to scroll with key arrows up and down the grid, even when the grid is in editing mode. I already enabled KeyNavigation in WebOptions, but the grid is navigable using the keys only when not in editing mode. When in editing mode, pressing arrow down, it is the same as pressing key END, that is it moves the cursor to the end of the text; while pressing arrow up, it moves the cursor to the beginning of the text. I would like that pressing arrow down, the current record is posted, and the dataset moves to the next record, while when pressing arrow up, the current record is posted, and the dataset moves to the previous record. Could that be achieved in some way ? Thanks to all the contributors, Andrea
Hello How do I enable it? there is this post but it does not work UniGUI Delphi 10.1 Berlin
- mobile
- mouse wheel
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Hi, are there any way to scroll via js? for example like this: UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){'+ uniScrollBox1.JSName +'.ScrollBy(1, 1)}, 100)'); Thanks.
Hi everybody, I have created a mobile application with a lot of controls and when scrolling down and up using an android system the application stops/quits as soon as it starts refreshing and that will happen as soon as i scroll, but on the iphone it works good, anybody having the same issues ? Best Regards Christian