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Hello, I am creating set of components. Feel free to send me javascript libraries to make them an UniGUI component and add to this package. You can find good libraries from this web sites : # Changelog ## [10 Sep 2019] - UniOSPaypalButtons Link ## [11 Apr 2020] - UniWebCam and UniVideoPanel Link ## [09 Jul 2020] UniFlowChart and UnimBarcodeScanner Link ## [18 Aug 2020] UniQZ Link Please change this based on your delphi version. UniGUIOS.dpk
paypal uniGUI Components: PayPal Smart Buttons
Fred Montier posted a topic in Components and Code Samples
his is the first of a great series coming: uniGUI Component of all sorts. Try here. See description and details below: This component I made based on the Smart Buttons at PayPal. It can be customized in all formats available at the PayPal Smart Button Tools. It handles the entire transaction with the possible configuration options. Note that there are currency rules that differ from country to country and you need to configure which currencies your account will accept. This greatly affects quotes and fees. Check the paypal developer website. This online example is configured to run fully in LIVE and SANDBOX mode. In live mode (do not use it, unless you want to give me money that I WILL NOT RETURN), carry out the entire operation by transferring an amount to the account. In SandBox mode it operates simulating a client and returns fictitious data. This is the second version of this component and is used now in our on-line store. The component in uniGUIOpenSource won't work in Brasil and in other country. It's is stated in developer site at paypal. So, this option is the only one to go. -- PT-BR This component I made based on the Smart Buttons at PayPal. It can be customized in all formats available at the PayPal Smart Button Tools. Ele opera toda a transação com as opções possívei de configuração. Note que existem regras paramoeda que difere de pais para pais e você precisa configura quais moedas a sua conta vai aceitar. Isto afeta e muito cotações e taxas. Consulte o site do desenvolvedor do paypal. Este exemplo on-line esta configurado para funcionar completamente no modo LIVE e SANDBOX. No modo live (não use, exceto se quiser me dar dinheiro que NÃO DEVOLVEREI), efetua toda a operação transferindo um valor para a conta. No modo SandBox ele opera simulando um cliente e retorna dados ficticios. See more detail and purchase info: 1 reply
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This is the first of a great series coming: uniGUI Component of all sorts. Try here. See description and details below: This component I made based on the Smart Buttons at PayPal. It can be customized in all formats available at the PayPal Smart Button Tools. It handles the entire transaction with the possible configuration options. Note that there are currency rules that differ from country to country and you need to configure which currencies your account will accept. This greatly affects quotes and fees. Check the paypal developer website. This online example is configured to run fully in LIVE and SANDBOX mode. In live mode (do not use it, unless you want to give me money that I WILL NOT RETURN), carry out the entire operation by transferring an amount to the account. In SandBox mode it operates simulating a client and returns fictitious data. This is the second version of this component and is used now in our on-line store. The component in uniGUIOpenSource won't work in Brasil and in other country. It's is stated in developer site at paypal. So, this option is the only one to go. -- PT-BR This component I made based on the Smart Buttons at PayPal. It can be customized in all formats available at the PayPal Smart Button Tools. Ele opera toda a transação com as opções possívei de configuração. Note que existem regras paramoeda que difere de pais para pais e você precisa configura quais moedas a sua conta vai aceitar. Isto afeta e muito cotações e taxas. Consulte o site do desenvolvedor do paypal. Este exemplo on-line esta configurado para funcionar completamente no modo LIVE e SANDBOX. No modo live (não use, exceto se quiser me dar dinheiro que NÃO DEVOLVEREI), efetua toda a operação transferindo um valor para a conta. No modo SandBox ele opera simulando um cliente e retorna dados ficticios. See more detail and purchase info:
I have a button generated by pay pal and loaded into UniURLFrame.I wish I could copy into single details and err variables that are returned by java functions: }] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); }, }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } Is possible?
I created a simple payment component with Paypal. First release. ACSoftware_it.pdf ACSoftware_en.pdf
Hi, i try to use paypals IPN (Instant Payment Notification) I have a paypal express checkout button on my form and after a successfully payment paypal send me a confirmation. Its works ok i also get success from paypal side (IPN was sent and the handshake was verified.) The problem is that i can't get the request text that paypal send to me. I will use the request text on a memo in my session. Have somebody any idea how to make this? i use TIdHTTPServer, TIdHTTPand TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL places on the UniServerModule form with following settings object IdHTTPServer1: TIdHTTPServer Active = True Bindings = <> DefaultPort = 82 AutoStartSession = True OnCommandGet = IdHTTPServer1CommandGet Left = 60 Top = 80 end object http1: TIdHTTP IOHandler = OpenSSL AllowCookies = True ProxyParams.BasicAuthentication = False ProxyParams.ProxyPort = 0 Request.ContentLength = -1 Request.Accept = 'text/html, */*' Request.BasicAuthentication = False Request.UserAgent = 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)' HTTPOptions = [] Left = 175 Top = 80 end object OpenSSL: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL MaxLineAction = maException Port = 0 DefaultPort = 0 SSLOptions.Method = sslvSSLv23 SSLOptions.Mode = sslmClient SSLOptions.VerifyMode = [] SSLOptions.VerifyDepth = 0 Left = 215 Top = 140 end and the code i use is procedure TUniServerModule.IdHTTPServer1CommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); var strWrite : TStringList; strRead : String; begin strWrite := TStringList.Create; try strWrite.Add(ARequestInfo.FormParams+'&cmd=_notify-validate'); IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; IdHTTP1.ReadTimeout := 0; IdHTTP1.IOHandler := OpenSSL; strRead := IdHTTP1.Post('', strWrite); // If you are in live //strRead := IdHTTP1.Post('', strWrite); // If you are in sandbox TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin MainForm.UniMemo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(ARequestInfo.PostStream); //not works :-) //or MainForm.UniMemo2.text := strRead; MainForm.UniMemo2.Lines.SaveToFile(Uniservermodule.FilesFolderPath + 'test.txt'); //not works :-) end); except on E: Exception do begin showmessage('Error encountered during POST: ' + E.Message); end; end; strWrite.Free; end; Any Suggestion on how to print out the ARequestInfo informations??? Thanks
I want share the project sample The project show how do a basic shopping cart, and do payments with paypal (direct credit cards payment only allowed in US). Paypal, and credit card payment integrated (REST API) , only basic functions, please do not ask me about other paypal functionalities, there are a lot of information in paypal home page. The same unigui application catch the paypal response and update in database the status payment of the order (transactions table). Proyect Requierements - Paypal account / sandbox. - Firebird 2.5 Server - ZeosLib ( - Rest - API Libraries ( - OpenSSL Dlls (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) - XE2 and UP. Open database (\files\pub.fdb), open table 'config' and change the fields with your own config PAYPAL_CLIENTID PAYPAL_SECRET DOMAIN_NAME Can test on. can pay using next paypal sandbox account password chocolate
- 5 replies
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- paypal
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Hello, Has any one used Paypal as payment gateway with UniGui Application? The requirement is that user will be able to pay via Paypal, and the Unigui application should redirect to paypal page, then know if the transactions has successfully done or not. I see TMS cloud pack has paypal component, but I didn't know if we can rely on it for this work?