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  1. grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Clear; MyScript:= 'pagingBar.afterCreate=function pagingBar.afterCreate(sender)'+ '{ '+ ' sender.add( '+ ' [ '+ ... ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''label'', '+ ' id: "gridLabelid", '+ ' text: ''abc'', '+ ' color: ''red'', '+ ' margin: ''0 0 0 10'', '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ... ' ]); '+ '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add(MyScript); I tried color: 'red' which compiles and runs without error but does not change the label's text color, please advise - thanks.
  2. grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Clear; MyScript:= 'pagingBar.afterCreate=function pagingBar.afterCreate(sender)'+ '{ '+ ' sender.add( '+ ' [ '+ ... ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''label'', '+ ' id: "gridLabelid", '+ ' text: ''abc'', '+ ' margin: ''0 0 0 10'', '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ... ' ]); '+ '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add(MyScript); Above my FormCreate code adds a Label to the Pagingbar and it displays as expected (please advise if I have added the Label correctly). Elsewhere I want to change the Label.Text value at runtime grdWorkSheet.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.pagingBar.getComponent("gridLabelid").setValue(''Andy'');'); SetValue fails, please advise how to change the "gridLabelid" - thanks.
  3. When Grid shows no rows the user can still invoke ContextMenu, if Grid contains row(s) then my current coding below disables ContextMenu. How do we prevent Grid ContextMenu with zero rows ? Please advise - thanks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Before Container MyScript:= 'beforecontainercontextmenu=function beforecontainercontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Container MyScript:= 'containercontextmenu=function containercontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Row MyScript:= 'rowcontextmenu=function rowcontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Before Cell MyScript:= 'beforecellcontextmenu=function beforecellcontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Cell MyScript:= 'cellcontextmenu=function cellcontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Before Item MyScript:= 'beforeitemcontextmenu=function beforeitemcontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Item MyScript:= 'itemcontextmenu=function itemcontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // Header MyScript:= 'headercontextmenu=function headercontextmenu(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) '#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10 + '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript);
  4. I need to send back via ajax the focused row, focused colX ([1] or by field name) the cell value - please advise how - thanks. MyScript:= 'validateedit=function validateedit(editor, context, eOpts) '#10+ '{'#10+ ' txt = this.columnManager.columns[1].getEditor().getValue(); '#10+ ' ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdWorkSheet, ''_ValidateEdit_'', ["t="+txt]); '+ '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript);
  5. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// grdSuppliers.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; MyScript:= 'hide=function hide(sender, eOpts)'#10+ '{ '#10+ ' ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_Hiding_'', []); '+ '} '; grdSuppliers.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); // MyScript:= 'show=function show(sender, eOpts)'#10+ '{ '#10+ ' ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_Showing_'', []); '+ '} '; grdSuppliers.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(MyScript); ... // ONLY EVENTS FIRED data/load/columnresize procedure grdSuppliersAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if SameText('_Hiding_', EventName) then begin // NEVER FIRES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if SameText('_Showing_', EventName) then begin // NEVER FIRES Please advise - Thanks in advance
  6. I have the following button added to the Grid's Built-In Paging Bar ' {'#13#10 + ' xtype: '#39'button'#39','#13#10 + ' icon: '#39'images/navigator/unfilter2.png'#39','#13#10 + ' width: 24,'#13#10 + ' height: 24,'#13#10 + ' tooltip: '#39'Filter'#39','#13#10 + ' handler: function() '#13#10 + ' {'#13#10 + ' ajaxRequest(sender, '#39'_Filter_'#39', []); '#13#10 + ' } '#13#10 + ' },'#13#10 + ... Subject to logic, change image grdTest.JSInterface.JSCode --> icon: 'images/navigator/filter2.png' grdTest.JSInterface.JSCode --> icon: 'images/navigator/unfilter2.png' Please advise how I can change the icon image at runtime - Thanks in advance
  7. UniDBGrid1.HeaderTitle:= ''; UniDBGrid1.Options:= [dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgAutoRefreshRow ]; Can someone please show me how to Hide the Grid Header - Thanks in advance. Interesting find, I just added a ToolBar and the blank header disappeared.
  8. I have a need to show Master Data (datasource1) with Detail (datasource2) in the same grid with Expanding/Collapsing nodes to reveal the datasource2 data that is linked to datasource1. I tried Grouping - not ideal, looked at twin grids option - not ideal, could not find Demo Example. Please advise how (project example would be ideal) - Thanks
  9. I have a Grid with a Row Widget - ALL Good. How do I only allow one row expanded at a time ? This would require closing previous expanded row on current expansion. Also in code how do I expand All and Collapse All ?
  10. grdMyData is Focused, User Navigates to a specivic Row, User Clicks Toolbar Button, Row Data Out Of Sync with Grid View ??? procedure TfMain.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); var DateStr: String; begin try grdMyData.SetFocus; grdMyData.RefreshCurrentRow(True); DateStr:= DateToStr(grdMyData.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('GivenDate').AsDateTime); // RETRIEVES WRONG DATA ??? MessageDlg(DateStr, mtConfirmation, [mbOK, mbYes], msgCongDeleteMyCallback); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.select("#messagebox-1001 .x-btn").elements[0].querySelectorAll(''[data-ref="btnInnerEl"]'')[0].innerHTML="Delete"'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.select("#messagebox-1001 .x-btn").elements[1].querySelectorAll(''[data-ref="btnInnerEl"]'')[0].innerHTML="Cancel"'); except end; end;
  11. When the UniDBGrid is initialized, sorting is not work. When the grouping is dynamically changed, sorting is work. How do I deactivate it?
  12. Good afternoon. Own information about the virtual table and other place (place): But I can't come to the Back Scroll (VertScrollBar) - how does this happen? ... in result: Version
  13. Ola boa tarde, tenho uma Unigrid, e gostaria que os campos dentro desta grid se ajustace de acordo com a tela, sera que isso seria possivel?
  14. What is the correct way to append the table in unidbgrid automatically, all the solutions I saw on the forum fail somehow
  15. This is how I add a datefield to a TUniDBGrid pagingbar, please show me how to add a spinedit field - thanks in advance. ' { ' + ' xtype: "datefield", ' + ' fieldLabel: "", ' + ' formatText: "From Date", ' + ' labelWidth: "0px", ' + ' format: "d/m/Y", ' + ' value: new Date(), ' + ' id: "_grdFromDate_", ' + ' width: 120, ' + ' startDay: 1, ' + ' listeners: ' + ' { ' + ' change: function(el, v) ' + ' { ' + ' ajaxRequest(MainForm.MyGrid, "_grdFromDate_", ["dtIndx=0", "val=" + Ext.Date.format(v, "d/m/Y")]) ' + ' } ' + ' } ' + ' }, ' +
  16. Hi, How can i capture the refresh(https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.0.0/classic/Ext.view.Table.html#event-refresh) event of grid in ClientEvents? Thanks
  17. Trying to process Grid Keyboard SPACE pressed event. dbGridPurchases.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; s:= 'keypress=function keypress(e, t, eOpts)'#13#10 + '{ '#13#10 + ' ajaxRequest(sender, '#39'_KeyPress_'#39', ["key="+e.key]); '#13#10 + '} '; dbGridPurchases.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(s); Please advise - thanks in advance
  18. Is there any way to include a tunidbgrid color combo? See image below Thanks Zanona
  19. Good afternoon people, I'd like to know if there is a possibility of putting a image background at DBGrid or StringGrid. I've been searching for this and found this link below explaining how to do that directly on ExtJS. Is It possible to do on Unigui too ? Thank you http://fiddle.jshell.net/dbrin/bQvyg/10/
  20. Hello everybody! A Microsoft Excel grid plugin for Ext JS 4: http://www.lukehorvat.com/blog/excel-grid-plugin-for-ext-js-4/ https://gist.github.com/lukehorvat/5607821/raw/6fe2113b4946b36e8bcdf10a3904560ef9a00758/excel-grid-plugin.js How to use? 1. Download and paste the file in the directory ... \ files 2. UniServerModule> CustomFiles> files/excel-grid-plugin.js 3. UniDBGrid1> UniEvents> OnBeforeInit> function OnBeforeInit (sender) { sender.plugins = [{ptype: 'excelcellediting', clicksToEdit: 2}]; } Best Regards
  21. Good morning. I need to hide the row in a grid of the summay of the group, but show the row of grandTotal. How to do?
  22. How to set in the CSS configuration the color background of the row summary of grid? I know it is possibile with attribs.color but i need to do it in CSS
  23. I have created the following store at runtime, how do I assign this store to my grid ? UniSession.AddJS(grdUsers00.JSName + '.store = "Grid1Store"; '); does nothing ? MyScript:= 'var Grid1Store = new Ext.data.JsonStore( ' + '{ ' + ' root: "users", ' + ' fields: ["id", "name", "email"], ' + ' autoLoad: true, ' + ' data: ' + ' { ' + ' users: [ ' + ' { "id": 1, "name":"John Smith", "email":"jsmith@example.com"}, ' + ' { "id": 2, "name":"Anna Smith", "email":"asmith@example.com"}, ' + ' { "id": 3, "name":"Peter Smith", "email":"psmith@example.com"}, ' + ' { "id": 4, "name":"Tom Smith", "email":"tsmith@example.com"}, ' + ' { "id": 5, "name":"Andy Smith", "email":"asmith@example.com"}, ' + ' { "id": 6, "name":"Nick Smith", "email":"nsmith@example.com"} ' + ' ] ' + ' } ' + '}); '+ 'Grid1Store.load(); '; UniSession.AddJS(MyScript);
  24. Goal: Make a quick and nasty Grid Print. Testing Grid Exporter I found I need more control over the results. I want to export a Grid to HTML and optionally save the results on Server silently, then process the HTML result dynamically, finally load it into a HTMLFrame and Print. Problems found with current implementation:- Cannot dynamically link and enable Exporter at runtime ? Cannot dynamically Turn On/Off Grid Paging at runtime ? Cannot control exported File Location (Client/Server) ? // dbGridItems.WebOptions.Paged:= False; // NEVER CHAGES // dbGridItems.JSInterface.JSCall('pagingBar.getComponent("refresh").click', []); //dbGridItems.Exporter.Exporter:= UniGridHTMLExporter1; // CRASHES //dbGridItems.Exporter.Enabled:= True; dbGridItems.Exporter.ExportGrid; //dbGridItems.Exporter.Enabled:= False; // dbGridItems.WebOptions.Paged:= True; Please advise - Thanks
  25. I am looking to automatically center the grid toolbar.
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