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I have the following a TUniDateTimePicker with kind: tUniTime a TUniQuery with the time field from the db TUuniDBGrid with column representing a time field in from the query The column's Editor is set to the TUniDateTimePicker When implementing the OnGetText of the TUniQuery the grid disappears. Versions FMSoft uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition v1.95.0.1574 FMSoft uniGUI HyperServer OS Config v1.95.0.1574 FMSoft uniGUI Runtime v1.0.0.1421 FMSoft uniGUI Theme Pack v1.95.0.1574 Delphi 10.2
- 7 replies
- tunidbgrid
- tunidatetimepicker
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How can I enable only the field that has the editor enabled? It is enabling all other fields in the edition and allowing to change the same defined fields or readonly = true in each field of the grid And why does the image appear in her html, as shown in the image?
hello, I use the dbhtmeditor component to view and manage the content of a blob field on which to manage the html text (as is generally done for a content management system). I would need functionality that allows the user to manage tables as the previous system editor (which I would like to replace with uniGUI) allowed to manage tables. In existing blobs fields there are therefore tables. Is there this possibility to make the user edit the tables in wysiwyg mode on uniGUI? I use: Embarcadero® Delphi 10.3 Version 26.0.33219.4899 uniGUI Professional Edition v1.90.0.1564
Hi, I'm trying to put the Filtering.Editor option on dynamically created columns in a UniDBGrid, but it doesn't work at all, in all the ways I try, I get the message "Argument out of range" when running. Here is the code I used to apply the filter: dbGridSQL_Resultado.Columns.Clear; if optControl = 1 then begin with dbGridSQL_Resultado do begin DataSource := dsFDMemTable; Columns.Items[0].Filtering.Editor := TUniEdit(Self.FindComponent('UniEdit1').Name); Columns.Items[0].Filtering.Enabled := True; end; end; Image Error:
I have a DBGrid with a TUniNumberEdit Editor for Floating Numbers set to 2 Decimal places that fails to paint only 2 decimal places, please advise - thanks. // GST nmInvEdit2.Alignment:= taRightJustify; nmInvEdit2.AllowBlank:= False; nmInvEdit2.DecimalSeparator:= '.'; nmInvEdit2.DecimalPrecision:= 2; // GST Columns.Add; Columns.Items[i].FieldName:= 'GST'; Columns.Items[i].Visible:= True; Columns.Items[i].Title.Alignment:= taRightJustify; Columns.Items[i].Title.Caption:= '$GST'; Columns.Items[i].Width:= 100; Columns.Items[i].Editor:= nmInvEdit2; //Columns.Items[i].Flex:= 1; Columns.Items[i].Font.Color:= clBlack; Columns.Items[i].Sortable:= True; Columns.Items[i].ShowSummary:= False;
Hi, I want to know how to read the text in a uniedit or unicombobox during editing when used in a column in unidbgrid. Using extEvent don't give me text except for the event "data" useful for remote queries. I need to manage and change edit text when data is no present in remote query, but ther is no possibility in dbgrid's unicombobox..... There are ways for manage events in controls embedded in grids? jeans_larghi (Sesamo Software collaborator)
- 22 replies
- event
- uniicombox
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Hi I'm having a problem with the Editor component on the grid columns. I use the editor in a very similar way then the code sample Grid-Filter2, But there is a behavior that has changed and i could not solve it. In the current version of Unigui when the mouse is over the column Header the Editor immediately gains focus. But in older versions this doesn't happen and I need the old behavior. There is a solution to that? I've messed around with the editor component without success. I dont quite know if the problem is clear, but just run the grid-filter2 on the curent version and pass the mouse over the editors of the columns. Then do it on a older version of the unigui and compare de behavior. It seems that there is a setFocus on a mouseOver event somewhere. thanks
Hi: Could you help me with the following problem: I have an Editor (UniDateTimePicker component) associated with a column of a UniDbGrid. One of the validations when saving the record is that the Date field ("Comienzo" in the attached example) does not have a loaded date. If it has the loaded date, it generates a message warning the user of this and makes an "Abort" command so that it does not perform the saving. Now, if in the "Comienzo" column I erase the date, leaving the field visually empty, when I want to save the record again, the field still has the original value, it is not deleted even if the data in the column has been deleted. I have attached a small project where I reply a problem ( I also attach a txt file with the creation script of an interbase table with a single data record (EmFechasLiquidacion.txt). The steps to reproduce the error are the following: 1 - Relate IBCConnection1 with the database where the EmFechasLiquicacion table was added and connect it. 2 - Activate the IbcTable1 component 3 - Run the project, press Edit and then Save in the Navigator Component and the error message will be generated. 4 - Close the error message, delete the date in the "Start" field and then save again and the message will reappear because the "Start" field still has the date originally loaded. Thanks in advance EmFechasLiquidacion.TXT
- 2 replies
- editor
- unidatetimepicker
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Hi, Could you please tell me how to fill column of unimdbgrid with selected values. In mobile version there doesn't seem to work if I do the folowing: gridDelilnik.Columns[2].Editor:= unimSelect; //unimSelect is TUnimSelect with filled Items property OR gridDelilnik.Columns[2].PickList:= unimSelect.Items; //unimSelect is TUnimSelect with filled Items property What is the correct way to fill grid columns with wanted values from code. It seems I cannot access Column EditorItems from code.
- TunimDBGrid
- PickList
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I have a TUnimDBListGrid (DBListGrid) and I want to bind a custom editor TUnimDBToggle (DNCToggle) which is present on a hidden panel to a boolean field 'DNC' - please show me how - thanks. ... if UpperCase(TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.FieldName) = UpperCase('DNC') then begin TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Visible:= True; TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Width:= 80; TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Editor:= DNCToggle; us:= TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Title; us.Caption:= 'DNC'; us.Alignment:= TAlignment(taLeftJustify); TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Title:= us; TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Sortable:= True; TAccessListGrid(DBListGrid).Columns.Alignment:= taLeftJustify; end; ...
Hi I am trying to build a grid with multiple inline editors like memo, text, date time picker etc.. This form will behave as a base and will be inherited by many other child forms. I am unable to find a way to specify a value in UniDBGrid.Editor property? Can you explain a procedure to do so?? Thanks & Regards,
Hi Farshad, working with latest release; Some issue and needs (all in the dbgrid): Tab or navigate in a dbgrid row while editing: Pressing tab or any key in a next/previous fields not go to editing; it works only with [enter] or [click] inside. dgInsert: Pressing the down arrow on last row is no longer possible to add automatically a new row in a dbgrid. UpdateRowDataset : it is very useful if you insert a method that update the underline dataset fields when leave a modified cell (optionally used on onexit of cell), so we can calculate or modify other fields in the record and show with RefreshCurrentRow(), WITHOUT post operation and WITHOUT exit from the row for update related fields (very useful on lookups, calculate and validate fields during edit). As Always.... partial fetch with scrollbars (infinite scroll)....advanced dblookups.... :-) Best Regard!!!
A fantastic feature that is missing and that many who develop systems for database and want much, is to use a TUniDbLookupComboBox in grid as Editor, allowing the user to search. Today I have to create other screen to enable the user to select list elements. Another thing is the Grid, allow to enter the data into it without using the mouse, as it does in excel. The grid acts catching and often forced to use the mouse. This decreases much productivity.
- TUniDbLookupComboBox
- Grid
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